31 August 2012


I've taken an even longer hiatus this time than last time.  However, summer was quite busy, with boards and moving and starting rotations and all.  Here's a quick run-down

1) I'm officially an OMS-III!!!!! AKA I passed boards...it was the biggest relief I think I've ever had.

2) Rotations so far have been good.  I'm finished with family medicine, which is good because I don't like old people who are ill.  (I'm not looking forward to internal medicine).  I'm currently on pediatrics, which is good because that's what I want to do.  And kids are super cute.

3) I'm living at home right now, saving lots of money.  That's a very good thing, because I'm poor and living on Obama's money.  

4)  I've been needing somewhere to vent things.  Insert Blogger here.  Hopefully.

06 February 2012

New Shoes for my birthday!

Oh and I bought these shoes the other day.  I'm super excited for them to get here.  Hopefully it'll be in time for my birthday!!!

Hello out there?

Apparently I have a blog...

Oops.  I've been busy.  I'm going to try and update this dealio soon but for now I'm in Women's health learning about screening for various diseases.  Things like "pap smears should start at the age of 21."  

Fun, right?  

Boards are 4 months from tomorrow...so maybe I'll use this as a way to keep my studying honest.  NOT.

For now, here's one of my favorite pictures, drawn by my best friend, Elizabeth, before she passed away: