20 January 2014

Healthy Living, It's still happening.

Nutrisystem week one is complete.  My doctor wanted me to try it, because a) I need to lose weight and b) my cholesterol is borderline high.  "B" is not a surprise, thanks to my wonderful genetics.  

It's really not a bad program.  I'm actually down five pounds after one week* You get a pre-prepared breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert/snack each day.  Along with that, you can have 4+ servings of veggies, two "powerfuels," which are essentially a protein or a dairy, and two "smartcarbs."  Also, I get to drink A LOT of water a day.  Basically I pee all day amounts of water.  They also want you to do 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week.  That one hasn't been difficult.  I had already started in on my exercise commitment for the year.  

I did bite off more than I could chew, though.  I tried to start nutrisystem, exercising, and an ab plan all at once.  It was just a little too much for me.  So the ab plan is on hold.  But I'll add that back in once I get settled in Phoenix for the month.  

Another amazing thing is that after this week, I have three rotations left!  I think I mentioned this on my last post, but I'm still super excited.  Things are really wrapping up.  Three rotations left.  Boards are all passed.  Written case presentation is turned in.  All that's left is a bunch of graduation odds and ends and ensuring that my evaluations are in.  Crazy!!  

I realize that this is short and sweet, but it's all I've got right now.  

*Haha I think this sounds like a commercial for nutrisystem.  I should mention something like "results not typical." Or something.

06 January 2014

Back to Me, Back to Health

It's 2014.  In five months, I'll be a doctor.  Scary, right?

Anyways, I really slacked off the last few months when it came to my health.  Also, apparently my cholesterol is now borderline (thanks, genetics) and so I need to get into ship shape.  

I'm definitely not making this a new year's resolution though, it's got to be a life resolution.  As a doctor, how can I say to my patients they need to lose weight if I, myself, don't follow a good diet and make good lifestyle choices?  I've decided not to just rely on myself though.  I had a bad december emotionally and spiritually.  This really isn't a surprise because of the time of year and all, but I kind of pushed God out of my life without realizing it.  I mean I was going to church and all, but that doesn't really cut it.  And I know that, but sometimes I forget.  However, here we are in the new year.  And I think that I can really try and make some changes.

Here are some things to change:  eating habits, working out habits.  

Here are more important things to change:  prayer habits, spiritual life, and relationships.  

Definitely they are all things to be worked on.

In other news, I have four rotations left!  ENT, which was supposed to start today but I was told to stay home because of the snow, Pediatric Neurology in Phoenix, Oncology in Philadelphia, and 2 weeks of Radi-holiday.  Oops I mean radiology.  Hehe.  I'm excited for neuro because I get to spend the month with my Aunt and Uncle and two cousins!  It'll be a nice (and warm) change.  Then I'm heading to Philly and will stay with some awesome family friends.  All fun things to look forward too!

After radiology, I'm heading to Disney World with one of my good classmates!!  And then graduation is 05/17.  In March, I'll find out where I'm heading for residency.  Should be exciting, and I'll definitely be happy wherever I go.  

Thanks for reading my ramblings.  Here's to a happy new year and a great 2014!

01 November 2013

Come to the Manger

"A Savior is born.  The age has begun.  When the meek and the mighty are one.  When we all to the manger come."

So I know that it's a little early to be writing down Christmas lyrics, but it IS after Halloween.  That's when my momma and I start listening to Christmas music.  Today is actually All Saints Day, which to me has always signified the beginning of the end of the church year.  Soon it will be Christ the King and then the year begins again! 

I was thinking about the significance of Christmas time and how the entire year should show the sentiments of Christmas.  Why should we all be joyful and prayerful for one month of the year and not all the others?  This isn't to say that I'm 100% joyful all year round.  I know that I have my faults, one of which is that I sometimes use my depression as a crutch.  However, as I was thinking of things that I am thankful for today, due to it being November 1, I decided that maybe I should focus on just trying to increase the "spirit of Christmas" in my life.  I think that I can "come to the manger" all year round.   

By doing this, I think that I would be thankful all year round.  Yes, America has this lovely holiday about being thankful and those super cool pilgrims, etc.  But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be thankful in December, right?  So why not be thankful all year round and be joyful all year round, too?  

I think I'll give this all a try and see how things go.  

31 August 2012


I've taken an even longer hiatus this time than last time.  However, summer was quite busy, with boards and moving and starting rotations and all.  Here's a quick run-down

1) I'm officially an OMS-III!!!!! AKA I passed boards...it was the biggest relief I think I've ever had.

2) Rotations so far have been good.  I'm finished with family medicine, which is good because I don't like old people who are ill.  (I'm not looking forward to internal medicine).  I'm currently on pediatrics, which is good because that's what I want to do.  And kids are super cute.

3) I'm living at home right now, saving lots of money.  That's a very good thing, because I'm poor and living on Obama's money.  

4)  I've been needing somewhere to vent things.  Insert Blogger here.  Hopefully.

06 February 2012

New Shoes for my birthday!

Oh and I bought these shoes the other day.  I'm super excited for them to get here.  Hopefully it'll be in time for my birthday!!!

Hello out there?

Apparently I have a blog...

Oops.  I've been busy.  I'm going to try and update this dealio soon but for now I'm in Women's health learning about screening for various diseases.  Things like "pap smears should start at the age of 21."  

Fun, right?  

Boards are 4 months from tomorrow...so maybe I'll use this as a way to keep my studying honest.  NOT.

For now, here's one of my favorite pictures, drawn by my best friend, Elizabeth, before she passed away:

04 September 2011

OMS-II?? How did this happen so fast?!

Well, OMS-I year is officially over.  I didn't flunk out, so Mom's rule was followed.

Thanks for the rule, Mom!!

This, however scary it may sound, means that OMS-II year is beginning.  And that clinical rotations will start soon-ish.  It's still ten months away and all, but that's like real decisions.  Decisions that will fix people.  Or something.

Anyways, lets hope that this book helps me.  And this one.  So that I don't fail out.

Also, I'm going to try to update more this year.  It's the thought that counts, right?