29 November 2010

Quarter 2!

Quarter 2 just began today.  I think that it's going to be good.

I've got my study skills in order and (although there will be adjustments) feel like they will work pretty good.  At least I hope so!

I don't have a lot more to say, but I haven't checked in for a while...so there's the short update.

As a side note,  there was this movie that just came out.  It was pretty awesome.  Here's the picture for those of you who may not be able to figure it out!
Let's just say that it was AMAZING.  And now I can't wait for July.   

07 November 2010

Utter Amazement

Today I went to my little's house to have brunch with our APO family.  Unfortunately, this meant that I was unable to attend Mass this morning, because brunch was at 11.  Normally, when I head to brunch at my little's I go to Saturday night Mass.  However, my brother ended up coming up and we went to a concert over at Truman (which was really great, btw).  

Well anyways, I know how I get if I don't attend Mass, and I'm already a little stressed, so with two weeks of craziness coming up I headed over to the Newman to try and destress a little.  I'm a little weary of the Newman Center sometimes, but it ending up being a blessing.

The readings were focused on life after death, but the homily focused on living a full and meaningful life so that one can reach their eternal reward.  The main point was that we should have an "attitude of utter amazment about the value of life."  Father discussed about how the value of life is so high because it's filled with God's love for us and how he wants us to share our value with one another.  If we can do this, then we can live as true Christians who put their God before anything else.  

The scientist in me also thought about this statement.  For each topic in anatomy class we start with the embryology on the subject.  With each embryology lecture comes lists of anomolies from development.  The fact that I developed and was born a healthy baby really is amazing.  God knows the inner workings of everyone and he obviously has great plans for everyone.  This is one thing that I can work on, and give thanks that God has gotten me this far, especially with the struggles that I have had in my past.

I just think this was an excellent point to make.  I don't really stop to think about the value of life ever.  I do try and live my life as a Christian but if I'm not putting any true effort behind it, does it really count?  Until today, I had never really thought about that.  For right now, I'm not really going out into the world to help others.  But I am learning a profession where my day to day tasks will involve helping others.  If I can apply my best efforts to this, than I think the utmost satisfaction will come from my career choice.

I think that for the next two weeks I'm just going to have to think about the value of God in my life to try and stay sane.  Advent starts in a few weeks and that is the perfect time to revamp my life.  But why not start the change now?

22 October 2010

The Tiny Whispering Sound

It's been a while again since I've been on here.  My life has been a little bit hectic these past weeks, mainly due to the fact that we're currently in the middle of six tests.  Five of which are in difficult subjects.  So naturally I've been studying.

Today, however, I came to the realization that I really am going to be a doctor.  I mean, I knew this coming in and such.  And let's be honest, I'm super excited to be able to call myself "Dr. Majchrzak."  (Sorry, Pops, you won't be the only one anymore...)

But today I was checking up on a nervous system powerpoint for my anatomy class, seeing as how I'm not so good at that nervous system stuff.  While getting to the anatomy website, I was looking at the classes for the quarters yet to come.  There are six more after this one, and I know that there is a lot of hard work to come and all, but really, in less than two years I will actually go out on rotations and be less of a pretend doctor and more of a real doctor.  We've been doing some "real" doctor things recently, like learning how to do abdominal and chest exams, etc.  But just on each other.  So, once we get to real patients then it'll be like a real doctor?  Or something...

And then I got to really thinking.  Being a doctor is more than just calling yourself a doctor.  I'm going to have the power to really help people.  I don't want to be the doctor who has her nose up in the air all of the time.  I really want to be at the same level as my patients.  In some ways, this will be easy.  I mean, I think I'm going to head into the field of Pediatrics.  Of course, I have the interests (and maturity) of about a five year old.  I think that this will be good.  Because what five year old doesn't love disney movies?  Then again, I also will want to give them the best care that I can while respecting their parents wishes.  This is going to be a struggle, because often times parents don't want to listen, but I think that it will be something I come to love.

However, I think for my strength to stay up, I need to work on my spiritual strength.  In the past few weeks I've really been focused on my studies and not been so worried about my faith.  I've been in this stage of life before, but under different circumstances.  And I know that it's not a good place.  So my new challange is going to be incorporating my faith life into my everyday life.  Often I look for God in big places.  I want Him to give me that good grade on a test or allow me to have a good day.  And then when I least expect it, for instance, if I'm having a bad day, then some person will say something to me to brighten my day.  Obviously that's God knowing that I need an extra push or smile or something.  I just don't always see it.  

I'm going to try and see this in my life.  Just like this Bible passage, which happens to be one of my favorites:

Then the LORD said, "Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing by." A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD--but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake--but the LORD was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake there was fire--but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
1 Kings 19: 11-12

02 October 2010

It's been a while...

My oh my.  It's been quite some time since I've been here!!

I think I have a favorite part of my life right now.  It's a guy.  Here's his picture:

I know he's not a person.  But my (now four month) kitten is pretty much awesome.  Sure, he may bite at my fingers, toes and face.  He also might like to attack me.  Either way, I love little Raphael.  He's super cute when he sleeps - which is right above my head.  Literally.  He sleep on the top half of my pillow.  It actually keeps my head nice and warm.
The practically only other thing going on in my life right now is medical school.  Seriously, it takes up all of my time.  Today is a Saturday.  In undergrad, that would have been spent "doing" homework.  Which meant going to Wal*Mart, Payless, Hastings and watching some television.  Now, I really do work.  I started studying at 11.  I just stopped at 11.  I took an hour and a half break to go to church and eat dinner.  And I had a 30 minute power nap in the middle.  So that comes to 10 hours of studying.  Add that up with the 3 I did yesterday, and that's 13.  For one subject.  Which is currently the bane of my existance:  ANATOMY.  

I don't mean to complain though.  I really am enjoying myself.  For instance, OMM class (Manipulations) is really interesting.  I like to see how everything is interconnected.  Recently I have been able to find transverse processes by myself.  This is a big deal.  They're extrememly difficult to find.  I also enjoy my class called The Complete DOctor.  Get it?  I'm going to be a D.O.  I know, they're so clever at KCOM.  We got to go into the Kirksville schools and do physicals on the students.  I actually felt like a doctor then.  

Here's from my white coat ceremony, to prove that I am (kind of) a doctor.  Or at least a 6-week doctor, as that's how many weeks of class we've had.

It was bright, so I'm all squinty looking.  The picture doesn't lie though.  You can also see some other new student doctors in the background.  That's what we introduce ourselves as - student doctors.  It seems a little ridiculous to me, but it's cool.  It's gets us a discount at the hospital cafeteria.

School is really pretty hectic though.  Our class schedule changes everyday, which is nice because it's like being surprised everyday.  If we have a test, it's at 8 in the morning.  I enjoy this, because then it's finished and out of the way.  Also, all of our tests (not practicals) are multiple choice, so we get our scores by the end of the day.  That's actually a little nerve-wracking, because they put the tests in our little school mailboxes, and then everyone rushes to get their scores.  Fortunately, I'm not failing out yet, so it's not too bad of a deal for me.  We'll see after this test tomorrow.  

Sadly, I don't have much else to say right now.  My life is pretty boring.  I get up, go to school, maybe work-out, come home and study, only to do it all the next day.  I look forward to sleeping in on the weekends.  Which is now apparently like 9 o'clock - because I go to sleep so early!  I guess that makes me an adult?  Or maybe just a crazy kid...

I do wish I had more time to post up about my life.  I guess my life just isn't interesting right now.  I'm excited to get to the next few weeks when we learn how to give shots and take blood and do physicals.  That is the real doctor stuff.  So I hope to have some more updates in the coming weeks.  We also start doing some treatments in OMM.  That is the stuff my mom is most excited about.  She really wants me to align her spine.  Maybe I'll be able to do some Kirksville Crunching on her in a few months.  That'll really get those vertebrae in place.  (The "Kirksville Crunch" is a technique that we use to align thoracic vertebrae.  I had a DO do it to me, it is pretty amazing.)  So I guess if anyone out there wants to get aligned just give me a ring?  I won't charge you, just your insurance...haha  or not.  They keep teaching us about medical insurance.  Believe me, there are all kinds of restrictions.   It's crazy!!  

Well, I'm going to sign off here, because Raphael is sitting on my pillows and shoulder eating my hair.  That's definitely a problem...

19 August 2010

Ready for School

Well, here we are.  One day to the start of Medical School.  I’ve been waiting my whole life (or most of it) for this day.  So it all is beginning to seem a little bit scarier. 

I know that I’m ready, but now I’m getting nervous!!  It’s an excited 

nervous…but still.  I don’t really like being anxious, and so I wish it was Friday already, because then all of those butterflies would be gone!

Either way, I have a few things to do still.  I would like to go to the library and check out a book to read in my (not so) free time, but I’m waiting for Mockingjay, the new Hunger Games book, to come out, which is next week!  It’s getting mailed to my house, but then my wonderful mother is going to mail it up here!! Yay!! I’m super excited!!

The other excitement in my life right now is my kitten.  He’s really, really cute.  And his name is Raphael.  Raphael the Archangel is the Patron Saint of Medicine, so I thought that was appropriate for the occasion.  Also, his nickname is now Raffy.  Which is also cute.  My brother initially wanted to name him Tiger Face Killer, or TFK, but I said no.  It was way to long and complicated.  But I’m sure that my goofy brother will still call him that.  Whatever.  It’s not his name. 

So I’ve got some new things in my life:  new school, new kitten and new roommate.  My roommate’s name is Ali and she seems really nice.  She just moved in Wednesday.  So her stuff is all over, like mine was a few days ago.  But either way, I’m glad to have a roommate.  I really don’t like living by myself.  In fact, I’ve never really enjoyed being by myself.  That was true even when I was finally okayed to do it by my parents.  I just like people, I always have.  Maybe eventually I’ll live by myself, but for now I’m happy to have a roommate. 

We finally got our class schedules and syllabi.  Everything is going to be so intense.  Most weeks I have two or more tests, and if not I at least have a quiz.  Everyday we have anatomy, biochemistry and histology, whether it is in class or lab form.  It appears that three times a week we have OTM lab, which of course my mother is the most excited about, because she wants her back aligned and such.  I told her it’s going to be a while before I can do that, but she’s ready and willing to wait.  But anyway, we have like 21 hours of class per semester.  KCOM has more credit hours than any medical school in the United States.  So I guess even though I’m going to be super busy I’ll learn extra? 

I’m enjoying tonight and tomorrow night though.  These are my last holdouts before I’ve got to go back to the real world.  Honestly, I’ve had nothing but time since I graduated, but it feels like the seven months went so quickly!  Since I’ve been up in Kirksville though, I’ve watched a couple of my favorite movies and just been relaxing and trying to get my room together, which is almost finished.  I just need to hang some pictures up and I’ll be finished!! 

It’s time to sign off though.  I’m currently watching Cinderella, the Disney one, and my favorite part is coming up.  (The part where Cinderella gets her old rags turned into a beautiful gown.)

“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish, will come true.” 

11 August 2010

Apparently it is August 11th.

Well well well.  Today I just realized that it's August 11th.  And that I move on 14th.  At the latest.  

Then I had this realization while I was driving that I'm going to really have to be an adult in a week and a half.  Eek!  I also haven't taken a test in a few weeks.  Or months.  I have done some random studying here and there, but all in all I'm out of the school mindset.  However, I do think this is going to be a good thing in the long run.  My mind is completely rested and I'm actually caught up on sleep so I think that I'm just going to jump gung-ho into med school.  Where I'm going to have to study.  A lot.

The other thing that I've been thinking about is how nervous I am!  I mean from reading on our facebook group a lot of my classmates have experience as EMT's, Medical Assistants, etc.  I have hospital experience, but I can't start an IV or anything like that.  I'm sure that there will be other people who have little or no experience, but I hate to start out behind everyone else.  But, I've decided that I'm going to just go in with an open and optimistic mind and that I'll get through no problem.  And I'm sure that the school is prepared for people who have no experience, I mean isn't that the point of our training and paying lots of money to go to school?

Despite my jitters and nerves though, I know that I have support coming from all over.  I really have a great family and great friends, so I'll definitely be watched over.  And I am truly thankful for that.  I'm sure that these feelings are normal and I am also sure that I will be ready when school starts.  

Which is August 20th!

13 July 2010

You gotta have heart!

Recently, I've been a little down in the dumps.  My family being here was a little overwhelming and I'm just trying to get through work.  (I only have a few weeks left!) 

I'm thinking that going away again will help some of this out.  I love my parents, but after having to mostly rely on them for the first few months of the year and then still being home since then, I'm ready to move back to school.  

I also had to cut back on my exercise regiment a little bit.  After gradually starting to increase my lap numbers/strength training in the pool, I noticed that my ankle was giving me some grief.  After some intense motrin regimentation we've come to the conclusion that I probably tweaked some ligament or tendon in the ankle, and since I do not (physically) remember how my foot should feel anymore, this is not surprising.  Apparently my exercise really does help me.  It not only was/is keeping me healthy, but it does that little thing known as giving endorphins.  They really do help!  I promise!

Here's my plan for the next few days:

1)  Re-start swimming and get ankle to feeling better.
2)  Get together a final "here's what I need for school" list.
3)  Get room clean again.

I think that these things can definitely be managed.  I think that I just forgot that I "gotta have heart."  And I'm positive that they will help me!  I just need to smile.

Smile, though your heart is aching,
Smile, even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky-
You'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow,
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time you must keep on trying,
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you just smile
~Charlie Chaplin

11 July 2010

Waiting for life.

It's been a while since I've updated this dealio.  So here we go.

The family came and went.  That was a crazy week and a half.  You know that saying "It's great to see the cousins go, but it's better to see the family leave?"  Well, I'm not sure that it's entirely true, but I think there's a point to that.  For ten days we had a variety of people in and out of our house.  Which was fun.  Of course we ate horribly for the whole week, which was not so fun.  But, I did get to see my youngest cousin (he's 8) who I haven't seen in a few years, and it's neat to see him now, because he's like a real little person.  And he's as sharp as a knife, which made him very whitty and entertaining.

Beyond actually seeing them, we did get to do some fun things.  We had the actual reunion, which was crazy.  It also taught me how important my dental hygiene is, as many of my family are missing teeth.  We also went shopping, to see that new Twilight movie and bowling.  It was a lot of craziness.  Oh and we had Ted Drewes' pretty much every night.  That's not healthy.

After the family left I've just kind of been relaxing around St. Louis.  I'm working, but I kind of have been giving away shifts left and right, because I hate my job right now.  Actually, I think I've mentionned this before...but it's most of the people, not the job.  I enjoy most of the patients and most of the work.  The idiots who don't know what they're doing and complain about little things like lunch time or why they have to work in a certain location are the ones that I hate.  There will be people that I miss.  And I'm going to visit them.  The others, not so much.

I'm very much ready for school right now.  I've been hitting up my Netter's Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards hard recently, and I'm getting more and more excited about starting school.  I was with one of my friends last night who is going to school with me in the fall and we both had the same conclusion:  that school needs to start soon.  I like being home and doing nothing/slaving away at my workplace, but I'm ready to start up again, and I guess it'll be a little bit like being an adult.  We were talking about how busy we are going to be and how we aren't going to get any sleep.  However, I've decided that I'm ready.  I often do well on little sleep.  So medical school, Bring It.

That's pretty much it right now.   I'm just biding my time.  I've got a little bit of shopping to do here and there, but other than that, I'm just waiting.  Waiting for school, waiting to move out and waiting for life to begin.

24 June 2010


Well.  I've got family coming in starting tomorrow.  

We're having the big old family reunion on Saturday.  I mean there's going to be 80+ people there, most of whom I do not know.  This should be interesting.  And the heat's not going to help.

My mom's one of six and is the 27th of 28 cousins.  Wow.  Her oldest cousin is 71 and has great-grandchildren.  So one can see that the numbers are big.  And what's scary is that we all look alike.  So I guess if one was to come by Pavilion 2 in Forest Park on Saturday, you'd be able to see my scary cult-like family.  But I would definitely advise against it.

The other fun to add to the situation is that there will be at one point or another, an extra 9 people in my house.  That's a lot of extra people.  My mom recently bought a new bed, for my room when I'm gone, and she's just going to set it up in the front room.  No big.  I'd be scared to sleep up there anyways.  

So, I hope that I don't get overstimulated or anything.  Here's to family.

16 June 2010

I promised...

Here's some cool photos from my summer galavantings!

Here's me with my favorite ride from Cedar Point...it was awesome.

Standing in a glass box 1030 ft. in the the air.  No big deal.  (In the Sears Tower)

Oh and the view straight down.

The Shedd Aquarium.

This Walrus guy was really cute.

As was this little sea turtle.

See?  I told you all that I've had fun this summer...even if it doesn't happen at work!

10 June 2010

Water Your Mind


Summer reading.

The St. Louis County Library has a new summer reading program.  It's something about how we should grow with reading so we need to water our minds.  Or maybe that's the other way around.  But, needless to say I'm doing it because I love the summer reading program.  If you read 10 books you get entered into a drawing for free stuff.  How cool is that?  Especially since I love reading.  

So far I've read two new books and re-read one.  The new books are The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen and Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.  The latter of the two was really good, but a sad one.  The first one was good but left a lot to be desired.  The book that I re-read was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  Obviously that's a good book.  In fact, most teen fiction geared at younger teens is great (i.e. The HARRY POTTER series).  Not that I like that one.

The current book I'm reading is entitled Say You're One of Them, which is a collection of short stories, based in Africa, put together by Akpan Uwem.  It's hard to get through because it is so sad.

Finally, I'm waiting for a book called The Magicians.  I'm just going to link it so that anyone who wants can look at it.  I'm very excited.

Reading is one of my favorite pasttimes because it allows me to have an outlet into other worlds.  Which is pretty great. 

07 June 2010

Summer is on June 21st.

So here's an update of my almost-summer...well I've had "summer break" since I literally broke my ankle, but now it's hot too!

1.  I went to Cedar Point with my dad.  It was AMAZING.  My dad's favorite was called The Maverick.  It is the future of roller coasters with a super smooth and fast elevator lift and speeds of 92 mph.  And the first hill was only 100 ft, but went 100 degrees - you seriously feel like you're falling.  My favorite was Millinium Force.  It was built in 2000, and the first hill is 300 feet.  And it was pretty awesome.  Just saying.  

2.  This past weekend I went to Chicago with one of my friends.  It was fun, we visited the Sears Tower, Shedd Aquarium and the Chicago Premium Outlets.  We also hit up a White Sox game.  The sears tower now has a new dealio where you can step out onto a glass box and look straight down, 1030 ft.  This was also super-de-duper cool.  

3.  The weight loss is going pretty well.  I've lost 11 pounds.  Lose It! is working.  Whoop-de-doo.  I hate being healthy.  But unfortunately, I need to be, so I'm keeping it up.  For reals.

4.  Work is crazy.  There's so much drama going on and I try not to get involved, but it's difficult, especially since I'm one of those not-taking-sides people.  But, I'm quitting in exactly 6 weeks and 3 days.  

5.  I'm glad to see my friends who are home!

6.  I've got my crazy family reunion coming up here soon.  I'm sure there will be not only a halt on eating healthy but also some good stories.  Or rants.  

That's pretty much all I've got right now.  I do have some pictures of the things that I've been doing...roller coasters and Chicago, etc.  I promise to put them up later, just as soon as I find my camera cord.  It's mysteriously missing.

29 May 2010

Only Shooting Stars Break the Mold

Today, I was listening to the soft rock station.  Yes, I quite like that station, especially at night when Delilah is on even if she is corny and often times picks songs that do not go with the story.  Such as the Mexican Hat Dance.  (It happened once, I promise).

But today, on said soft rock station the song "All Star" came on.  I just now, like a hundred years later, realized how cool that song is.  I actually once had that CD, but I'm not really sure where it went and it's a little bit upsetting to me.**

I mean how clever is this: 
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas
I need to get myself away from this place.
I said yep, what a concept I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change...

As I was blasting this song and remembering all of the words I guess I got a little too excited.

And I just realized that my story went no where...oh well.   It's still a cool song and we all already knew how uncool I am. 

Or maybe how beyond awesome I am....

The Video's pretty Kick-Ass too:

As a side note I do remember the CD disc being light blue and having a little martini glass on it. And I thought it was scandolous!

15 May 2010


I've heard it said 
That people come into our lives for a reason 
Bringing something we must learn 
And we are led 
To those who help us most to grow 
If we let them 
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share

And none of it seems to matter anymore

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better

And because I knew you...

Because I knew you...

Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...

Missing you always, Elizabeth.
Happy Birthday.

E-Squared Forever!

13 May 2010

I'm going to make it!

I have never once in my life worked out five days in one week.

This is, of course, discounting when I was a crazy dancer-type, but I'm talking about since I've become fat.

And I'm going to make it.

This whole getting up at the butt crack of dawn thing (5:10) kind of sucks.  But it is not killing me.  I mean I may be going to bed at 9:30, but who cares?  I've always been the old lady type anyway.

The eating fewer calories thing is going pretty well also.  I kind of bank up on the calories and then splurge a little bit.  I figure if I don't, I'll probably die.  Or crack.  Neither of which is a good thing. 

It's a good thing that I like vegetables.  They have negative calories or something.  

Well, celery does.

06 May 2010

Lose It!


I need to lose some weight.  

I really need to lose 20 pounds, but my goal is 50.  That would put me at the weight that I was when I was 14, and as I only grew two inches after eighth grade, I shouldn't weigh 50 pounds more.  

It's a long goal and a long way away, but I know I can do it.  The first step I made was to find something to track my food.  Apparently the best way to lose weight (besides adding exercise) is to track what you eat.  It seems that one is more honest this way.  Unfortunately for me, I hate writing/keeping journals/etc.  So I have this fancy iPod touch and I did a search-a-roo.  As weight watchers costs money, I found this app called "Lose It!"  which is also linked to a website of the same name.  It allows me to track my food as well as key in exercise.

As for exercise, that's why I've joined the YMCA.  Well, originally it was for ankle rehab.  But now I'm going to keep it up.  So that includes going five days a week and getting up in the morning to do it.  If I don't get up and go before work, I know that I won't go.  Because I'm pretty lazy after eight hours of work.  And then on the days of the week when I'm not scheduled to work in the morning or at all, I'm going to swim.

So, these are my plans.  

However, I also have some goals.  Because, let's be honest I like bribery.  It starts small like a water bottle that I've wanted for a while.  Then I get a little bigger with some shoes and such.

Here's to getting healthy. 

And as a side note...I really like wearing my hair in a braid right now.  And it's almost long enough to do so in public.

01 May 2010

It's May Day!!

It's officially May.  Which means that it's May Day.  I feel like I need to make some of those little colored baskets.  I made stuff like that when I was little with my mom and brother.  And I also made some for the last round of door decs my second year as an SA (or RA, as they are known everywhere else in the world).

I thought that as we were entering the fifth month of the year, I should put together a little "status update" of my life.  And not just the dinky one liners that are found on Twitter.

The first thing that jumps to mind is how I only have 12 weeks of work left.  I know that it seems like I could just put three months, but it is all of May and June but only the first three weeks of July.  I'm quitting on the 22nd so that I can start to move some of my stuff back up to the 'Ville and I can hit up an awesome wedding in Marceline.  Which I am super excited about.  I'm also ready to quit.  The job just isn't what it used to be so quitting is something I'm looking forward to.

As most of my friends are going to graduate soon, I am excited about getting to see everyone.  And I really missed my friends so I'm glad that they are coming home.

Finally, I'm continuing my preparations for Medical School.  I might but some Anatomy and Physiology flash cards so that I can learn some more of the human body.  It will also help me to pass time at work.  I know I'm a big dork, but it's whatever.  I LOVE the human body.

And at that, I'm signing off.  Peace out!

22 April 2010

I'm glad I didn't grow up in the 1970s...

So, I just went and saw The Runaways.  

It was pretty good, and even KStew kind of did a good job.  Although in the scene when she was supposed to be mad, there really wasn't much emotion.  Surprise surprise.  

DFan, however, did a pretty good job as a drug addict and alcoholic.

But for reals:
1.  The Hair.  Not so cool.  I know the rocked the mullets and stuff, but mullets, "Farrah Bangs" and extremely long straight hair = not so cool.  Well I guess it was at the time, but I don't think I could rock that look.

2.  The Clothes.  Really, no offense mom and dad, but what were people thinking?  (And in that end scene where KStew is wearing a hot pink jacket circa early 1980's, what's with the shoulderpads?)

3.  The Shoes.  They're sweet and all.  
But who would really wear six inch platforms?  

As I'm putting together this list, I think I just came to the conclusion that the 1970's were actually pretty cool.  But, go see the movie and decide for yourself.

Side Note:
This is what I've been doing with my spare time and I'm desperately going to miss this.  I mean having down time.  I've seen lots of movies and read several books.  And I feel that in medical school this will not happen.
My next step for my spare time is to work on my emotional life.  It's kind of all over the place here.  Hopefully something can be done about that.

And here's the real Runaways.  And they actually wore copies of these outfits in the movie.  Promise.

What happened to April?

It's almost May...AHH

18 April 2010

Good Things.

Here are some things that are good right now.

I got to see my friends.  This is good.  I had a lot of fun in Kirksville this weekend and was probably the most college-like (in partying) this weekend then ever before.

I got to spend time with Whitney and hand-sew for her.  Whitney is cool.  The only thing that could have made it more cool was if Kaitlin was there as well.  And Whitney, you're welcome.  

Cardinal's baseball is going on right now.  WHICH IS AWESOME.
Even if we lost in our 20 inning game.  Trade 'em.  Lol...


Yup.  That's what I got.

08 April 2010

The Benefits of Uncle Sam

Sometimes taking all the effort to fill out taxes has more benefits than just not going to jail.

I've wanted a Coach purse for a long time.  And last summer I bought a little pink wristlet.  But I wanted the real thing.  (See above picture)

I didn't really plan on buying one this early in the year, I figured I would just wait until my mother and I went down to the outlet in Osage Beach, because the Coach outlet tends to have sales.  Well, they always do, but really the purses are not that much cheaper.  

So anyways, today I went out to West County Mall with my mother.  We walked around some, played with the new iPad, which really isn't worth it, unless you want an eReader that does a little more...

So then we walked past the Coach Store and Mom was all like "you should go and look."  So I went, and didn't plan on actually spending any money.  But then, I fell in love with the one I bought.

I guess the conclusion here is that I must thank Uncle Sam.  And my accountants for doing such a nice job on my taxes.

31 March 2010

Troll!! In the Dungeon!

I know that Harry Potter is the subject of a lot of my blogs.  Well, he's been a pretty significant part of my life.  In fact...I'm currently watching HP1.

But for real, there are sometimes Trolls in the dungeon of myself.  Does that make sense?

This Lent I couldn't really decided what to give up and what to do.  Normally I do something like give up Soda or Sweets or French Fries (Seriously, I did that in middle school).  I just wanted to do something different this year.  

On the day before Ash Wednesday I wrote in a blog entry "There is snow and a little grass poking through, but there really isn't much life.  Recently I've been feeling that way."  I then proceeded to see a post on my Aunt's FB profile for a website called Busted Halo.  On said website, there is a current dealio called "Fast-Pray-Give."  Each day there is something to fast from, something to pray about and...something to give.  Somedays it has been food or a meal or even facebook (which was difficult!)  Somedays, however it has been personality traits such as pride, jealously, even feeling sorry for oneself. 

Now, my mother seemed to think that some of these things were just an easy way out.  But, have you ever tried to be not jealous for a whole day?  It's a lot more difficult than one may think.  I believe I was at work that day.  Everytime I started to (or had) a jealous thought, I said a little prayer and asked for forgiveness and strength.  I thought that it would get easier throughout the day, but no.  I struggled until the end of the day when I went to bed.

As we're approaching the end of Lent, I've been thinking about how I was feeling at the beginning of Lent.  During that particular blog, I also mentionned how I wanted to declutter my life.  Physically, I was good at this.  I went through most of the stuff that I had left over from college, etc and I gave/threw a lot away.  I've slowly done different parts of my room over the last 40 days.  Emotionally, this was not so easy, but I think I'm getting there.  I really have been thinking in a more simple fashion, trying not to overthink things and in a sense, chill out.  I'm a huge type A personality and this is not easy for me.  So I guess that goal is getting met.  

I liked FPG because not only are there little things to do each day but there also quotes each day.  These are sometimes little gems of wisdom and sometimes thought provoking.  I often found myself reading them several times over and thinking about what it means.  It was just a few minutes I set aside each day, throughout the day.*

The real question that remains is what did I get out of all of this?  Well I gave up time for God each day.  That was nice, to just spend some one-on-one with the Big Guy.  He's pretty neat and always understanding.  I also got to think about things in my life that I may not have thought about before.  And I got to learn new things and quotes each day.  And the few times that I forgot to look, I was able to make up for it the next day, as the plan was "foolproof," in the words of the website.  So I really think that this was a good thing for me.  

Do I think I'll do this again next year?  Maybe, maybe not.  I may just fall back on my oldies but goodies.  We'll see.  I found some Trolls in my dungeon though, and I'm working on Wingardium Leviosa-ing them out of my life.  I do, however have Easter to look forward to.  Easter is a joyous time, and I'm excited to celebrate this year, and am going to try to go forward with the Easter season in a truly prayful manner.  

*As a side note, check out FPG.  It really is interesting and has some great quotes.

30 March 2010

Gosh, I'm bored.

So, as everyone knows, I've had a broken leg for a while.  Well since I just had surgery a few days ago, I have yet to be cleared to transport so I'm only working a few days a week still.  I decided that I needed something to do.

I have this really neat friend named Whitney, and she's a fibers major.  One time we even sewed her halloween costume together.  It didn't really turn out well.

As one can see, it's kind of grungy.  And the "boot" that she wore made it awesome.  I copped out this year and wore a costume that I already had.  I know.  Lame.

Well anyways, I can sew well, if I want to.  So I decided to make something.  I did some searching around and have decided on a rag quilt.  Rag quilts are cool in that they really don't involve any hemming or anything.  You actually even sew the wrong sides of the fabric to each other.  Since there is little hemming, this is definitely something that I can do.  And I chose really cute fabric that is pink and yellow.

In my endless search to do things before I get to medical school because I know that I will not have time, I guess that making a quilt will do.  Maybe I'll even try to make my own halloween costume or something, before school starts in August.  We shall see.

Oh and for anyone who reads this, which I don't think is many, here's the website that I got the info from. Rag Quilt Instructions.  Enjoy it, if you like.

23 March 2010

Spring has Sprung!

There are lots of things in life that make me happy.  Today, for some reason or another, I am very happy.  And thankful that I am happy.  So here are the things that I'm thankful for today (and happy about!)

1.  My window is once again open.  It's really Spring now!!  Yay!! I've blogged about this before.  But when the sun is shining and it's above 60 degrees, how can one not be happy about life?

2.  My pins are out.  This means that I get to start wearing TWO shoes soon.  And as we all know, I really like shoes.  It also means that I get to start being more normal again.  For instance, I get to stand in the shower in about two weeks.  I miss that.  I also will get to start driving in about two weeks.  Not that I minded not driving, but I feel like it's a freedom that I have been missing.

3.  I recieved an encouraging text from a friend.  It was just a little note, but it made me feel special.  And it made me smile, which just increases one's happiness.

4.  I'm listening to Children of Eden right now.  This is one of my favorite shows.  Not only is it by Stephen Schwartz, but it's happy and upbeat and I know all the words.  This means that I get to sing along.  

5.  Um, I bought new shoes today.  I haven't bought a new pair of shoes since like November.  That's a long hiatus for me.  Not even kidding.  They're very cute flats.  And they're white, so I'm going to wear them for Easter.  Now, I normally would wear heels for Easter, but seeing as how I haven't worn a shoe on my right foot for a long time and I can't stretch my foot very much right not, I think that flats are a good idea.  I also bought a new purse, but that's not uncommon.  

6.  I think I'm going to go and take a nap.  With the cool breeze coming in my room and a blanket, it's the perfect sleeping combination.  I'm thankful that I can afford to take naps.  Just saying.

So I guess I'm just a happy person right now.  So thanks to everyone and everything for helping me be happy!!

Oh and here's my new purse.  It's really cute!!

18 March 2010

Where Music Plays.

This website is really cool.  One can listen to music for free, well most of it is for free.  And I really think it's a good idea, because now I can listen to somethings before I buy it.  

Everyone should CHECK IT OUT

As a side note, I was able to crack two of my right toes today.  
They're finally not so swollen.  

It was wonderful.

Obviously it's the little things in my life that are important right now.

14 March 2010

Leg Weights and Disney on Ice

So my friends Sarah and Sarah (Metro and Thiele) and I went and saw Disney on Ice on Friday Night.  

Let's just start with the fact that it's geared towards small children.  Like four and five year olds, etc.  Well, I can't as much for Metro, but Thiele and I are very much like small children.  At least in personality.  I mean we were singing along with the songs.  I kind of felt sorry for Metro, as she was sitting between us.  Actually, I don't think she really cared that much.  

But so anyway, it was really cute.  My favorite part was during the first act.  They did this whole montage with the Disney princesses, who obviously are my favorite Disney characters.  Let's just say that it was fun.

And then later, during the second act, they did a really cute little dance to the new music to The Princess and the Frog.  I've been thinking that I'm probably going to have to buy that movie, because I really liked it.

The other thing going on in my life is that I'm currently using leg weights to do some intense muscle rehabilitation.  Okay maybe not so intense.  I do forward, backward and side lifts.  Oh and the hamstring curls.  So this on top of all of the foot exercises take up most of my time.  And by that I mean like 30 minutes.  

And my leg lifts are cute.  They're purple.  Which is cute.

So I guess that my life is not that bad right now.  At least the walking is going well.  And I'm almost done with the crutches.  Hopefully.  I'm heading back to Dr. Fissel's office on Friday, and then I'll find out when my pins come out.  Whoohoo!