29 May 2010

Only Shooting Stars Break the Mold

Today, I was listening to the soft rock station.  Yes, I quite like that station, especially at night when Delilah is on even if she is corny and often times picks songs that do not go with the story.  Such as the Mexican Hat Dance.  (It happened once, I promise).

But today, on said soft rock station the song "All Star" came on.  I just now, like a hundred years later, realized how cool that song is.  I actually once had that CD, but I'm not really sure where it went and it's a little bit upsetting to me.**

I mean how clever is this: 
Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas
I need to get myself away from this place.
I said yep, what a concept I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change...

As I was blasting this song and remembering all of the words I guess I got a little too excited.

And I just realized that my story went no where...oh well.   It's still a cool song and we all already knew how uncool I am. 

Or maybe how beyond awesome I am....

The Video's pretty Kick-Ass too:

As a side note I do remember the CD disc being light blue and having a little martini glass on it. And I thought it was scandolous!

15 May 2010


I've heard it said 
That people come into our lives for a reason 
Bringing something we must learn 
And we are led 
To those who help us most to grow 
If we let them 
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share

And none of it seems to matter anymore

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better

And because I knew you...

Because I knew you...

Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...

Missing you always, Elizabeth.
Happy Birthday.

E-Squared Forever!

13 May 2010

I'm going to make it!

I have never once in my life worked out five days in one week.

This is, of course, discounting when I was a crazy dancer-type, but I'm talking about since I've become fat.

And I'm going to make it.

This whole getting up at the butt crack of dawn thing (5:10) kind of sucks.  But it is not killing me.  I mean I may be going to bed at 9:30, but who cares?  I've always been the old lady type anyway.

The eating fewer calories thing is going pretty well also.  I kind of bank up on the calories and then splurge a little bit.  I figure if I don't, I'll probably die.  Or crack.  Neither of which is a good thing. 

It's a good thing that I like vegetables.  They have negative calories or something.  

Well, celery does.

06 May 2010

Lose It!


I need to lose some weight.  

I really need to lose 20 pounds, but my goal is 50.  That would put me at the weight that I was when I was 14, and as I only grew two inches after eighth grade, I shouldn't weigh 50 pounds more.  

It's a long goal and a long way away, but I know I can do it.  The first step I made was to find something to track my food.  Apparently the best way to lose weight (besides adding exercise) is to track what you eat.  It seems that one is more honest this way.  Unfortunately for me, I hate writing/keeping journals/etc.  So I have this fancy iPod touch and I did a search-a-roo.  As weight watchers costs money, I found this app called "Lose It!"  which is also linked to a website of the same name.  It allows me to track my food as well as key in exercise.

As for exercise, that's why I've joined the YMCA.  Well, originally it was for ankle rehab.  But now I'm going to keep it up.  So that includes going five days a week and getting up in the morning to do it.  If I don't get up and go before work, I know that I won't go.  Because I'm pretty lazy after eight hours of work.  And then on the days of the week when I'm not scheduled to work in the morning or at all, I'm going to swim.

So, these are my plans.  

However, I also have some goals.  Because, let's be honest I like bribery.  It starts small like a water bottle that I've wanted for a while.  Then I get a little bigger with some shoes and such.

Here's to getting healthy. 

And as a side note...I really like wearing my hair in a braid right now.  And it's almost long enough to do so in public.

01 May 2010

It's May Day!!

It's officially May.  Which means that it's May Day.  I feel like I need to make some of those little colored baskets.  I made stuff like that when I was little with my mom and brother.  And I also made some for the last round of door decs my second year as an SA (or RA, as they are known everywhere else in the world).

I thought that as we were entering the fifth month of the year, I should put together a little "status update" of my life.  And not just the dinky one liners that are found on Twitter.

The first thing that jumps to mind is how I only have 12 weeks of work left.  I know that it seems like I could just put three months, but it is all of May and June but only the first three weeks of July.  I'm quitting on the 22nd so that I can start to move some of my stuff back up to the 'Ville and I can hit up an awesome wedding in Marceline.  Which I am super excited about.  I'm also ready to quit.  The job just isn't what it used to be so quitting is something I'm looking forward to.

As most of my friends are going to graduate soon, I am excited about getting to see everyone.  And I really missed my friends so I'm glad that they are coming home.

Finally, I'm continuing my preparations for Medical School.  I might but some Anatomy and Physiology flash cards so that I can learn some more of the human body.  It will also help me to pass time at work.  I know I'm a big dork, but it's whatever.  I LOVE the human body.

And at that, I'm signing off.  Peace out!