04 September 2011

OMS-II?? How did this happen so fast?!

Well, OMS-I year is officially over.  I didn't flunk out, so Mom's rule was followed.

Thanks for the rule, Mom!!

This, however scary it may sound, means that OMS-II year is beginning.  And that clinical rotations will start soon-ish.  It's still ten months away and all, but that's like real decisions.  Decisions that will fix people.  Or something.

Anyways, lets hope that this book helps me.  And this one.  So that I don't fail out.

Also, I'm going to try to update more this year.  It's the thought that counts, right?

14 August 2011

Family Members are more than friends.

Most of my posts are about happy things.  Or me complaining about school.  This post is going to take a more solemn note.

On Friday, August 12th, my eldest maternal cousin, Patrick John Schlueter was killed in a motorcycle accident.  He was 25 years old.  

This photo accidentally happened two years in a row when the six of us were very little.   So now every time we are together they make us take a "couch picture."  This is the most recent one, from last summer during the week of the Schlueter Family Reunion.  Patrick is on the end on the right of the photo.  

I'm just remembering the good times and wishing that we had more time together. He will be honestly missed and loved for ever.

In loving memory of Patrick John Schlueter.  
12/27/1985 - 07/12/2011

31 July 2011

I probably will never be a Neurologist.

Week 1 of quarter 4 is finished.  Finite.  Fin.  Whatever you want.

We are continuing our OTM and DO classes (as always) as well as Pathology and Neuroscience.  We have also picked up Human Nutrition, Pharmacology and Principles of Medicine, the latter of which starts tomorrow.  
Our DO course is actually over, basically.  We have two lectures in a few weeks but it's not testable material.  Oh well I didn't really understand the Epidemiology stuff, I just pretended too.  Oops.  OTM has been relatively interesting as have Path and Pharm (we like to shorten things down...all those -ologies get to be a burden!

My problem is Neuroscience.  I can't bring myself to like it.  We're starting into more clinical applications of it here, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.  But one can only hear so much about the Subthamalic nuclei, Cerebellum, Vestibulospinal tracts**...aka the list goes on and on.  And on.  So I'm sorry for complaining but I needed a little whiny time.  Which is probably not very grown up of me, but that's okay. 

Here's what I wished we needed to learn...sorry that the words are off, it's not my video.

Oh and just in case you didn't peice this together, week 2 starts tomorrow.  I'll try to give updates of fun things that I may or may not be doing.

**I've linked these to the Wikipedia sites.  That is, after all where a good basis of my knowledge comes from.  Scary, huh? And a for my favorite neurological disorder yet, click here

This color was the choice of Whitney Cordray.  Thanks!

21 July 2011

Well hello there blog...

Maybe I'll try and get back into blogging.  It is a good release, after all.  So I'll sum up each previous month.  Or something like that!

1.  January.
Nothing really exciting happened.  I got back into a good work out routine, only to discover that my tibia and fibula on the bad leg had reseparated due to some interosseous membrane tearing.  This lead to more surgery.  NOT EVEN KIDDING.

2.  February.
Well the first thing in February was the fixation/redo of the ankle problems.  Literally.  Because this happened on February first at about 9 o'clock a.m.  At about 10 o'clock a.m. it started to snow.  And it kept snowing.  The nurses in the hospital, at which I had to spend the night due to some bad nausea that was ensuing, were kind enough to open my blinds so that I could watch the snow fall down.  All 20 inches of it!! That's the most snow that I have ever seen!  And the next exciting thing to happen was school was cancelled the next day! So I didn't miss that much work.  
The rest of February was pretty uneventful.  I turned 23.  I studied.  Yup that's pretty much it.

3.  March.
March brought (somewhat) warmer weather and with that spring break.  My mother and I went to Disney World, even though I was on crutches.  Mom actually pushed me around the parks. We had a lot of fun though!! It was around 85 or 90 degrees and sunny the entire time we were there! After Disney, I had to go back to school...but I got to get my pins removed.  This time they even let me keep the pins! Which is pretty awesome.

This is me at Cinderella's fountain.  She is my favorite princess, and I think this is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.  And there's the crutches to prove that I brought them to Disney.  And yes, Disney workers, I can transfer from the wheelchair to the ride.  That's why I brought the crutches.

4.  April.
April really brought spring weather.  Yes, there were still some cold-ish days, but I was finally able to wear some warmer clothes. I got to go home for Easter time.  Which was a really nice break.  Even though we do that crazy block testing now at school, Easter fell during week two of the block, so I didn't have to study too much.  Other than that, I think that April was relatively uneventful.  There was some more studying that occurred.  As always.

5.  May.
May brought a wedding to the Majchrzak family!  Okay, it wasn't mine - it was my cousin Katie's wedding.  She was a beautiful bride, and it was nice to get out of Kirksville for a weekend/it was the same weekend as Mother's Day so I got to see my mom!  Fun stuff.  Then, we had the epic end of the first school year.  There was another finals week, and then our OMS-I testing and some other cool stuff.  And then the year was over and I did not fail out!  Which was great!

This is my cousin Katie (the bride), her sister, my cousin Chrissie (the maid of honor) and me (a bridesmaid).  We had tons of fun!

6.  June
June brought my two week preceptorship.  I got to work closely with a doctor for two weeks and this was an eye opening experience for me.  My preceptor's practice was in a lower-income area, and when I saw how much they did for their patients, I was truly amazed.  
I did get to have some fun in June.  One of my very good friends growing up got married, and then wedding was a good time!  My father and I went to King's Island, OH and rode a bunch of roller coasters.  This was the second awesome theme park in two years.  Then, I went to visit my brother in the D.C. and Baltimore area.  We went to a Cardinals/Orioles game, and toured around the various Smithsonians and other touristy things.  Finally, I went to Kansas City with my mom to see my cousin graduate from her Family Practice Residency program.  I just kept telling myself...six more years.  Heehee.

This was my favorite ride in King's Island, "The Beast."  It is the world's longest and fastest wooden roller coaster, at 7500 feet and I think close to 75 mph.  AWESOME.
My brother and I parked illegaly to visit this cool place.  Enough said.

7.  July.
Sure some cool stuff has happened so far.  Like moving to my new apartment and getting a new backpack.  And bumming around St. Louis doing cool things.
HOWEVER...something very very very very epic happened.  It involved going to a Midnight Movie Release with the awesome Whitney Cordray.  And watching the final Harry Potter Movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  And I may have seen it 3 times total in the weekend of its release.
Whitney coined this phrase (and made t-shirts): 7 books, 8 movies, 10+ years, 1 ending childhood.  This sums up more than one could possibly imagine.

I think this sums up everything so far.  If you made it through the whole post, YOU ARE AWESOME. 

The end.

11 January 2011

Thanks for the Book, Dr. Schulte

Let me begin by saying that I am watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  Sometimes I wonder how these movies are so addicting and then I remember that HP is amazing.

So it's the new year.  Today is 1/11/11.  Which means that in ten short months it will be 11/11/11!!

Anyways, Happy New Year!! I'm not setting too many resolutions.  Mainly I want to pass Medical School and live healthier.  I think those are manageable. 

School is a little crazy right now.  The whole block testing deal was okay, but it's leaving me exhausted.  It seems that all I have time for anymore is studying!! Hopefully that will mean that in the long run, I will know everything that I need for the boards, but at this point I kind of wish it was Spring Break.  And that's not for another 8 and 1/2 weeks.  I'm not counting down or anything. 

The worst of all right now is the cardiac physiology that we're learning.  I knew that it was going to be difficult.  However, it's crazy!  There are so many things going on at once, in less than a one second interval.  Bah!  Who knew that three ions could be doing three different things and some electric impulses would be going on as well as the physical mechanics? Well, the notes hadn't been helping too much.  I can understand them, but they're hard to follow!  And of course, the phys professors told us not to worry about buying the "required" book for the class.  Which brings me to my (strange) title of this blog entry.

I have some other science books besides the ones that I need for medical school.  I.e. "important" books from my undergrad with very interesting titles such as Biology, Developmental Biology and even Cellular and Molecular Biology.  So one book I have is from my "Uncle," who works for a medial publishing company (it's and Anatomy and Physiology book).  I looked at the cardiac part, and it wasn't great.  So I pulled out my Human Physiology book from undergrad.  Everyone else in undergrad had just a Physiology book (including animals), but George Schulte didn't like it, so he required this Human Phys book.  I looked in it, and the cardiac cycle made sense!  So, even though Schulte was a little crazy and his class a little random...the book is great.  So thanks, Schulte! I knew I'd get something good out of that class!!

Haha so now everyone can see how exhilerating my life is, when a book from undergrad excites me.  

The other exciting thing right now is that Kirksville got like 8 inches of snow yesterday!! It's so pretty.  If only K-vegas would remember how to clean the streets...

Here's some of what we need to know for phys right now...only it's missing the ions.