14 August 2011

Family Members are more than friends.

Most of my posts are about happy things.  Or me complaining about school.  This post is going to take a more solemn note.

On Friday, August 12th, my eldest maternal cousin, Patrick John Schlueter was killed in a motorcycle accident.  He was 25 years old.  

This photo accidentally happened two years in a row when the six of us were very little.   So now every time we are together they make us take a "couch picture."  This is the most recent one, from last summer during the week of the Schlueter Family Reunion.  Patrick is on the end on the right of the photo.  

I'm just remembering the good times and wishing that we had more time together. He will be honestly missed and loved for ever.

In loving memory of Patrick John Schlueter.  
12/27/1985 - 07/12/2011