19 August 2010

Ready for School

Well, here we are.  One day to the start of Medical School.  I’ve been waiting my whole life (or most of it) for this day.  So it all is beginning to seem a little bit scarier. 

I know that I’m ready, but now I’m getting nervous!!  It’s an excited 

nervous…but still.  I don’t really like being anxious, and so I wish it was Friday already, because then all of those butterflies would be gone!

Either way, I have a few things to do still.  I would like to go to the library and check out a book to read in my (not so) free time, but I’m waiting for Mockingjay, the new Hunger Games book, to come out, which is next week!  It’s getting mailed to my house, but then my wonderful mother is going to mail it up here!! Yay!! I’m super excited!!

The other excitement in my life right now is my kitten.  He’s really, really cute.  And his name is Raphael.  Raphael the Archangel is the Patron Saint of Medicine, so I thought that was appropriate for the occasion.  Also, his nickname is now Raffy.  Which is also cute.  My brother initially wanted to name him Tiger Face Killer, or TFK, but I said no.  It was way to long and complicated.  But I’m sure that my goofy brother will still call him that.  Whatever.  It’s not his name. 

So I’ve got some new things in my life:  new school, new kitten and new roommate.  My roommate’s name is Ali and she seems really nice.  She just moved in Wednesday.  So her stuff is all over, like mine was a few days ago.  But either way, I’m glad to have a roommate.  I really don’t like living by myself.  In fact, I’ve never really enjoyed being by myself.  That was true even when I was finally okayed to do it by my parents.  I just like people, I always have.  Maybe eventually I’ll live by myself, but for now I’m happy to have a roommate. 

We finally got our class schedules and syllabi.  Everything is going to be so intense.  Most weeks I have two or more tests, and if not I at least have a quiz.  Everyday we have anatomy, biochemistry and histology, whether it is in class or lab form.  It appears that three times a week we have OTM lab, which of course my mother is the most excited about, because she wants her back aligned and such.  I told her it’s going to be a while before I can do that, but she’s ready and willing to wait.  But anyway, we have like 21 hours of class per semester.  KCOM has more credit hours than any medical school in the United States.  So I guess even though I’m going to be super busy I’ll learn extra? 

I’m enjoying tonight and tomorrow night though.  These are my last holdouts before I’ve got to go back to the real world.  Honestly, I’ve had nothing but time since I graduated, but it feels like the seven months went so quickly!  Since I’ve been up in Kirksville though, I’ve watched a couple of my favorite movies and just been relaxing and trying to get my room together, which is almost finished.  I just need to hang some pictures up and I’ll be finished!! 

It’s time to sign off though.  I’m currently watching Cinderella, the Disney one, and my favorite part is coming up.  (The part where Cinderella gets her old rags turned into a beautiful gown.)

“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish, will come true.” 

11 August 2010

Apparently it is August 11th.

Well well well.  Today I just realized that it's August 11th.  And that I move on 14th.  At the latest.  

Then I had this realization while I was driving that I'm going to really have to be an adult in a week and a half.  Eek!  I also haven't taken a test in a few weeks.  Or months.  I have done some random studying here and there, but all in all I'm out of the school mindset.  However, I do think this is going to be a good thing in the long run.  My mind is completely rested and I'm actually caught up on sleep so I think that I'm just going to jump gung-ho into med school.  Where I'm going to have to study.  A lot.

The other thing that I've been thinking about is how nervous I am!  I mean from reading on our facebook group a lot of my classmates have experience as EMT's, Medical Assistants, etc.  I have hospital experience, but I can't start an IV or anything like that.  I'm sure that there will be other people who have little or no experience, but I hate to start out behind everyone else.  But, I've decided that I'm going to just go in with an open and optimistic mind and that I'll get through no problem.  And I'm sure that the school is prepared for people who have no experience, I mean isn't that the point of our training and paying lots of money to go to school?

Despite my jitters and nerves though, I know that I have support coming from all over.  I really have a great family and great friends, so I'll definitely be watched over.  And I am truly thankful for that.  I'm sure that these feelings are normal and I am also sure that I will be ready when school starts.  

Which is August 20th!