16 February 2010

Sweets, French Fries and Soda

My life is pretty boring today.  My pop is home and we just had chicken mcnuggets for lunch.  It was a quite yummy Mardi Gras lunch actually.  

My cat Moose and I are now looking for things to do while also watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  Cedric Diggory (Aka Rob Pattinson) is really making my afternoon enjoyable.  

So even though I'm watching a great movie and all I'm still pretty bored.  Especially because I've seen these movies all lots of times.  

Lent is rapidly approaching, and I've decided to try something new this time around.  I always give up something like candy or french fries or soda, but I never really get anything out of it.  While looking at the out side right now, all that I see around me is pretty barren.  There is snow and a little grass poking through, but there really isn't much life.  Recently I've been feeling that way.  I think that it probably stems from the fact that I'm not really seeing a lot of people and I've just been bumming around my house because of the leg and all.  There's got to be something else that's the problem too.  

I think that I've got too much clutter in my life right now.  I have lots, and I mean lots of little things all over my room, and a lot of the crap doesn't really mean anything.  So my first agenda for lent is to clean up my room, whether it means putting stuff in storage or throwing stuff away.  

The other place that my life is cluttered right now is in my thoughts.  My mind is always racing a million different ways and so I'm going to try and help that too.  I'm going to work on my spiritual life and try and "calm" that down just a little bit.  I really hope I can stick to this.  I'm sure going to try.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Rob Pattinson always makes life enjoyable. Especially when he gives random interviews.
    2) HP is awesomesauce.
    3) I like how you linked to that post. KStew can suck it. (but I really like her...)
    4)I'm giving up sweets for Lent. And working on my spiritual life as well.
    5) I like your cat and I miss you.
