24 June 2010


Well.  I've got family coming in starting tomorrow.  

We're having the big old family reunion on Saturday.  I mean there's going to be 80+ people there, most of whom I do not know.  This should be interesting.  And the heat's not going to help.

My mom's one of six and is the 27th of 28 cousins.  Wow.  Her oldest cousin is 71 and has great-grandchildren.  So one can see that the numbers are big.  And what's scary is that we all look alike.  So I guess if one was to come by Pavilion 2 in Forest Park on Saturday, you'd be able to see my scary cult-like family.  But I would definitely advise against it.

The other fun to add to the situation is that there will be at one point or another, an extra 9 people in my house.  That's a lot of extra people.  My mom recently bought a new bed, for my room when I'm gone, and she's just going to set it up in the front room.  No big.  I'd be scared to sleep up there anyways.  

So, I hope that I don't get overstimulated or anything.  Here's to family.

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