02 October 2010

It's been a while...

My oh my.  It's been quite some time since I've been here!!

I think I have a favorite part of my life right now.  It's a guy.  Here's his picture:

I know he's not a person.  But my (now four month) kitten is pretty much awesome.  Sure, he may bite at my fingers, toes and face.  He also might like to attack me.  Either way, I love little Raphael.  He's super cute when he sleeps - which is right above my head.  Literally.  He sleep on the top half of my pillow.  It actually keeps my head nice and warm.
The practically only other thing going on in my life right now is medical school.  Seriously, it takes up all of my time.  Today is a Saturday.  In undergrad, that would have been spent "doing" homework.  Which meant going to Wal*Mart, Payless, Hastings and watching some television.  Now, I really do work.  I started studying at 11.  I just stopped at 11.  I took an hour and a half break to go to church and eat dinner.  And I had a 30 minute power nap in the middle.  So that comes to 10 hours of studying.  Add that up with the 3 I did yesterday, and that's 13.  For one subject.  Which is currently the bane of my existance:  ANATOMY.  

I don't mean to complain though.  I really am enjoying myself.  For instance, OMM class (Manipulations) is really interesting.  I like to see how everything is interconnected.  Recently I have been able to find transverse processes by myself.  This is a big deal.  They're extrememly difficult to find.  I also enjoy my class called The Complete DOctor.  Get it?  I'm going to be a D.O.  I know, they're so clever at KCOM.  We got to go into the Kirksville schools and do physicals on the students.  I actually felt like a doctor then.  

Here's from my white coat ceremony, to prove that I am (kind of) a doctor.  Or at least a 6-week doctor, as that's how many weeks of class we've had.

It was bright, so I'm all squinty looking.  The picture doesn't lie though.  You can also see some other new student doctors in the background.  That's what we introduce ourselves as - student doctors.  It seems a little ridiculous to me, but it's cool.  It's gets us a discount at the hospital cafeteria.

School is really pretty hectic though.  Our class schedule changes everyday, which is nice because it's like being surprised everyday.  If we have a test, it's at 8 in the morning.  I enjoy this, because then it's finished and out of the way.  Also, all of our tests (not practicals) are multiple choice, so we get our scores by the end of the day.  That's actually a little nerve-wracking, because they put the tests in our little school mailboxes, and then everyone rushes to get their scores.  Fortunately, I'm not failing out yet, so it's not too bad of a deal for me.  We'll see after this test tomorrow.  

Sadly, I don't have much else to say right now.  My life is pretty boring.  I get up, go to school, maybe work-out, come home and study, only to do it all the next day.  I look forward to sleeping in on the weekends.  Which is now apparently like 9 o'clock - because I go to sleep so early!  I guess that makes me an adult?  Or maybe just a crazy kid...

I do wish I had more time to post up about my life.  I guess my life just isn't interesting right now.  I'm excited to get to the next few weeks when we learn how to give shots and take blood and do physicals.  That is the real doctor stuff.  So I hope to have some more updates in the coming weeks.  We also start doing some treatments in OMM.  That is the stuff my mom is most excited about.  She really wants me to align her spine.  Maybe I'll be able to do some Kirksville Crunching on her in a few months.  That'll really get those vertebrae in place.  (The "Kirksville Crunch" is a technique that we use to align thoracic vertebrae.  I had a DO do it to me, it is pretty amazing.)  So I guess if anyone out there wants to get aligned just give me a ring?  I won't charge you, just your insurance...haha  or not.  They keep teaching us about medical insurance.  Believe me, there are all kinds of restrictions.   It's crazy!!  

Well, I'm going to sign off here, because Raphael is sitting on my pillows and shoulder eating my hair.  That's definitely a problem...

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