22 October 2010

The Tiny Whispering Sound

It's been a while again since I've been on here.  My life has been a little bit hectic these past weeks, mainly due to the fact that we're currently in the middle of six tests.  Five of which are in difficult subjects.  So naturally I've been studying.

Today, however, I came to the realization that I really am going to be a doctor.  I mean, I knew this coming in and such.  And let's be honest, I'm super excited to be able to call myself "Dr. Majchrzak."  (Sorry, Pops, you won't be the only one anymore...)

But today I was checking up on a nervous system powerpoint for my anatomy class, seeing as how I'm not so good at that nervous system stuff.  While getting to the anatomy website, I was looking at the classes for the quarters yet to come.  There are six more after this one, and I know that there is a lot of hard work to come and all, but really, in less than two years I will actually go out on rotations and be less of a pretend doctor and more of a real doctor.  We've been doing some "real" doctor things recently, like learning how to do abdominal and chest exams, etc.  But just on each other.  So, once we get to real patients then it'll be like a real doctor?  Or something...

And then I got to really thinking.  Being a doctor is more than just calling yourself a doctor.  I'm going to have the power to really help people.  I don't want to be the doctor who has her nose up in the air all of the time.  I really want to be at the same level as my patients.  In some ways, this will be easy.  I mean, I think I'm going to head into the field of Pediatrics.  Of course, I have the interests (and maturity) of about a five year old.  I think that this will be good.  Because what five year old doesn't love disney movies?  Then again, I also will want to give them the best care that I can while respecting their parents wishes.  This is going to be a struggle, because often times parents don't want to listen, but I think that it will be something I come to love.

However, I think for my strength to stay up, I need to work on my spiritual strength.  In the past few weeks I've really been focused on my studies and not been so worried about my faith.  I've been in this stage of life before, but under different circumstances.  And I know that it's not a good place.  So my new challange is going to be incorporating my faith life into my everyday life.  Often I look for God in big places.  I want Him to give me that good grade on a test or allow me to have a good day.  And then when I least expect it, for instance, if I'm having a bad day, then some person will say something to me to brighten my day.  Obviously that's God knowing that I need an extra push or smile or something.  I just don't always see it.  

I'm going to try and see this in my life.  Just like this Bible passage, which happens to be one of my favorites:

Then the LORD said, "Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing by." A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD--but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake--but the LORD was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake there was fire--but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
1 Kings 19: 11-12

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