07 November 2010

Utter Amazement

Today I went to my little's house to have brunch with our APO family.  Unfortunately, this meant that I was unable to attend Mass this morning, because brunch was at 11.  Normally, when I head to brunch at my little's I go to Saturday night Mass.  However, my brother ended up coming up and we went to a concert over at Truman (which was really great, btw).  

Well anyways, I know how I get if I don't attend Mass, and I'm already a little stressed, so with two weeks of craziness coming up I headed over to the Newman to try and destress a little.  I'm a little weary of the Newman Center sometimes, but it ending up being a blessing.

The readings were focused on life after death, but the homily focused on living a full and meaningful life so that one can reach their eternal reward.  The main point was that we should have an "attitude of utter amazment about the value of life."  Father discussed about how the value of life is so high because it's filled with God's love for us and how he wants us to share our value with one another.  If we can do this, then we can live as true Christians who put their God before anything else.  

The scientist in me also thought about this statement.  For each topic in anatomy class we start with the embryology on the subject.  With each embryology lecture comes lists of anomolies from development.  The fact that I developed and was born a healthy baby really is amazing.  God knows the inner workings of everyone and he obviously has great plans for everyone.  This is one thing that I can work on, and give thanks that God has gotten me this far, especially with the struggles that I have had in my past.

I just think this was an excellent point to make.  I don't really stop to think about the value of life ever.  I do try and live my life as a Christian but if I'm not putting any true effort behind it, does it really count?  Until today, I had never really thought about that.  For right now, I'm not really going out into the world to help others.  But I am learning a profession where my day to day tasks will involve helping others.  If I can apply my best efforts to this, than I think the utmost satisfaction will come from my career choice.

I think that for the next two weeks I'm just going to have to think about the value of God in my life to try and stay sane.  Advent starts in a few weeks and that is the perfect time to revamp my life.  But why not start the change now?

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