30 January 2010


So here we go, I've got another rant.  I'm starting back up at work Monday.  Or so I thought.  When I originally broke my leg, I spoke to my manager and she said it would be no problem, I could work as a dispatcher answering phones and talking to mean nurses and such.  

Then I had surgery number two and we decided to just wait until the next schedule, which starts Jan. 31 (tomorrow).  So I called up to get my schedule yesterday, because I knew it would be done by then.  And did she schedule me?  Yes.


Let's just say that this put me over the edge.  I've been kind of feeling-less over the past week or so, because even though I have gotten out a little bit here and there, I've really just been sitting at home.  And going stir crazy.  Getting cabin fever.  But, I was really looking forward to going back to work even for just two or three days a week, which is what we originally talked about.  But I guess now I'm just going to have to suffer a little more.

On the upside, I have a new book series that I've started reading.  My old roommate Whitney, got me started on this series.  The first book is called The Hunger Games.  It's pretty gruesome but still really, really good.  I definitely got sucked in and read it pretty much in one sitting.  And the main male character, Peeta Mellark, is now one of my literature boyfriends.  Just Saying.  And the second book is already out, so naturally I went to the St. Louis County Library to request the second book, which is entitled Catching Fire.  There were a ton of holds on it.  So, instead I went to Border's and bought it, and then I went home and ordered the first one online, so I can complete my collection.  At least now I have something to read tonight and tomorrow.  And the third book comes out in August, so I have something to look forward to!  As soon as I know where I'm living next year I'm going to pre-order the book; it's super cheap on Amazon right now.

Also, there's this coat that I've been wanting for almost a year now.  It started out at 80 dollars and now is 30.  And I'm getting it for my birthday!! Whoohoo!!!  So that's exciting.  I also think that I may be getting a new Wii game.  Which is also exciting because I'm going to be bored still.

Anyways, if I stop writing it's probably just because I've died of boredom.

27 January 2010

College Cleaning Time!

I'm bored.

My friends have been great about coming to see me when they can, but it sucks staying home most of the time.  My cousin is pregnant right now and on bed rest, so I'm sure she feels as bored as I do, and I at least get to move around.

On the upside, I have gotten a lot organized over the last few days.  My mother, who I am eternally in debt too now, has been good at helping me do this.

Monday we went through my clothes and got rid of a ton of stuff.  I actually gave away some of my Rosati stuff, and to a Rosati girl of course, who was very grateful to get it.  I'm just glad that it got passed on to someone who can use it!  Now I actually have some drawer space available.

Yesterday we went through the bookcase that my dad built for me.  The bottom shelf has lots of school books on it and the top shelf had almost all of my college notes.  I didn't keep the notes, but I sure as hell kept the books, and the science books are still here, and they'll come to KCOM with me.  My tall and skinny bookshelf has mostly books in it, but the bottom two shelves has old CD cases and CDS on it.  So my mom suggested putting cases in a tub somewhere, which I for one think is a great idea.  Then I can add the rest of my books to the shelves and probably even put them in alphabetical order, which is pretty much what I live for.

Today, I went through my stuff that was on my desk at school.  I through lots of dead markers and 3/4 of the way used pads of paper and stuff.  Tomorrow I have decided that I'm going to try and go through the rest of the "crap buckets" I have around my room - there are five of them and a "crap drawer" - and so I'll see what I can throw away.  I'm not sure that I'll be able to clean out the drawer because it's in my closet and I currently have a difficult time maneuvering in my closet.

For a final cute little story, I had some various High School Musical things from college, which I donated to my mother's good behavior drawer in her classroom.  Not only did they become high ticket items, but there was a brew-ha-ha over the pencil case (with pencils in it, no less!)  One little first grade girl picked it out of the drawer, and a little bit later another little first grade girl told her that it was hers!  The first little girl then told my mother that she HAD to give it to the second little girl!  Oh my, quite the drama in first grade today!

Oh and there was a little bit of snow this afternoon!  It looked quite pretty!!

Tout a l'heure!

24 January 2010

Harry Potter and Church shouldn't mix.

Today was the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary time in the Roman Catholic Church.  The second reading was from 1 Cor 12:12-14 & 27.  (This was the short reading, for those who care). 

Brothers and sisters:
As a body is one though it has many parts,
and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, 
so also Christ.
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body,
whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons,
and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.
Now the body is not a single part, but many.
You are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.
So first off, I was quite upset that we did not sing "We Are Many Parts" by Marty Haugen.  I really like that song and it has a really really nice Alto harmony part.  But anyways, during the homily, our deacon was talking about how the Catholic is church is one body, etc. and how all of us feel each other's feelings whenever things happen.  One of the examples that he gave was that of when people die each member of the Catholic church loses a little bit of soul.  I thought of how Voldemort, once all of the horcruxes were gone, couldn't have lost any soul because he didn't have any left.  And then I realized how horrible I am.  But I'm sure that this isn't bad, right?

20 January 2010

I should be a professional pianist...

My dad feels that by this point in my adventures at home, I should be a professional pianist.  And by adventures, of course, I mean boredom.  So, I took up his challenge and have begun playing some piano again.  I have this really great book of sheet music, it is for the Pride and Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightley, from I think 2005.

I already can play the first piece, which is entitled "Dawn."  I therefore have been practicing that one and have moved onto some other pieces.  My father, being the piano player that he is, told me yesterday that he wished that I perfected one piece at a time rather than half-playing multiple pieces.  This leaves me with more boredom.  Does he not get it that I'm bored?  BORED?  I guess not. 

So here's my plan of action:  I have decided that anytime that I'm playing that my father is home, I'll do just that, work on one piece that I am aiming to perfect.  However, he doesn't know what I do when he's gone!  So, whenever I play and he's NOT at home, I'm free to do what I please.  So maybe, just maybe, someday soon I'll surprise him and play everything beautifully.  Or at least I hope so.

I really wish that I had kept with piano lessons.  But no, I had to go off and try competitive dance.  Dance really took up a lot of my time, so it was one or the other.  Bah.  I hate making decisions.  But, I chose dance.  And don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I did, but piano is such a useful thing and it would have been better with my leg if I could play more music.  Secretly, I think that my dad wishes that my brother or I had kept with piano music more than we did.  Maybe he wanted to form a ragtime band or something. 

Anyways, I'm going to go find something to do.  Maybe it will be playing the piano...or maybe not.

17 January 2010

Cinderella Calendar!!!!

So, this is going to be short here, but...just so everyone knows (and I think the already do), Cinderella is my favorite Disney Movie.  And princess, etc.  Anyways over the summer my friend Charlie and I found this calendar.  It was the 60th Anniversary Cinderella Calendar.  Obviously, I wanted it.  We always get calendars for Christmas, so I told my mother about it and then thought nothing more of it.  My mother forgot to get us calendars this year, due to my incident.  Well I started to watch the movie the other day, and while finishing it right now, I remembered the calendar.  And bought it.

16 January 2010

Medical School Decision? Check.

Well, it's been decided.  I'm going to go to A.T. Still (aka KCOM)!  All the other STUPID schools rejected me.  But it's okay, because I really like KCOM and am pretty sure that I will fit in really well there.  My parents and a variety of family friends feel exactly the same.  I just really have come to respect and like osteopathic medicine, especially after my leg incident.

To sum it up, here's the things that I like about osteopathic medicine:

~DOs are extremely personable.  I'm a personable person.

~The DOs that I have encountered have been nothing but nice to me, and several have even offered for me to come up and shadow them.

~Osteopathic medicine looks at a person as a whole:  Mind, Body, Spirit.  In fact, during my freshman year at KCOM, I will be able to take a class about Spirituality in Medicine if I so choose.  This is important to me, because my spiritual life is very important to me. 

~Most osteopathic physicians are in primary care, which is what I want to do - pediatrics, which is considered a primary care field.

These are just a few of the things.  This website explains osteopathic medicine much more clearly.  Let me tell you, it's pretty sa-weet.  Just sayin.'

KCOM is going to be a great fit for me, I just know it.  I really think that I can do well anywhere that I go, but if I really like it, it will be even better, because I will WANT to learn.  Not that I don't want to learn, but it's better if you like it, isn't it?  And guess what...after four years, I'll still be a doctor.  Actually both an M.D. and a D.O.  Which is awesome. 

12 January 2010

Little Miss Perfect

K so I have a new obsession. But we'll get to that in a sec. Because today I decided to type a little log of what I've done today. Let me tell you - it's EXHILARATING. Not.

1. Woke up. Laid around.

2. Dad make Bacon. YUM.

3. Watched some TV. USA had Law & Order SVU 
on all day on Tuesdays.  EXCELLENT.
Also played some guitar.

4. While waiting for Dad to return, watched episode of Little Miss Perfect.* And washed bangs...much easier than washing all of my hair. Especially with the leg.

5. Dad and I ran errands. Here they are:
-Saneco Cleaners. For dad's shirts that mom now refuses to clean and iron.
-Burger King. Again YUM.
-Best Buy. Purchased Mario Party 8.**
-Credit Union
-Quiktrip for air for tires.***
-Dollar Store. Purchased some new oils for scent bug.

6. More television.

7. Steak n' Shake for dinner. I wanted Bandana's, but whatever.

8. TV. New episode of Secret Life proves that this show is going downhill.
New episode of Little Miss Perfect* proved to be very fun.

9. Found some new good videos on YouTube.

9. Here we are. New blog of TLight Stars is GREAT. WTG, Whitney.

So as one can see, my life has been pretty boring. My boss isn't going to give me any hours until the next schedule, which starts on February 1st. However, my friend Pat doesn't start until then either, and she promised to take me places. Mo also promised to visit me/take me to her apartment. This is pretty much everyday, minus the going places. I watch A LOT of TV and play piano quite a bit. My mother brought up my guitar music, so I do that too now, as well!!

*Little Miss Perfect is WETV's answer to Toddlers and Tiaras. I like it just as much, and today was the season premiere. It was good and one of the mother's was down to earth. I loved her and her little daughter, who did very well overall. I like to see the non-Stage Mother mothers in comparison to Stage Mothers. The other little girl wore a flipper for teeth - bad deal; it did not look good. P.S. This is my new obsession.
**Almost bought Super Mario Brothers Wii, because Best Buy had it in stock. Have yet to play Mario Party 8, but that's next on my agenda. Don't worry, I'll probably let everyone know how it goes. I did come up with my birthday list: Super Mario Brothers Wii, Wii Sports Resort and Glee Season One: The Road to Sectionals.
***The lady who was filling up her tires before us was great: Skinny Jeans, White Reeboks circa 1985 and a Platinum Blonde Mullet. Excellent.

New Videos:

Stupid Jackson Rathbone leaked out his Eclipse script. Tisk tisk.

My dad showed me this one. It's pretty great. Just saying.

05 January 2010

I will take you Rainbow Road...

So, a long long time ago my brother got an N64 for Christmas or his birthday or something. Anyways, that's when Nintendo sent cool games with the system...and well, Mario Kart N64
pretty much became my favorite video game. Well, except maybe that football one, but only when I actually beat my brother (my trick was just to pick whichever play I thought looked good and then press random buttons).

Well, I got a Wii for Christmas two Christmases ago (2008) and have slowly been building up a game regiment ever since. I seriously doubt that I will ever reach the number of games that my brother had for N64 or consequently PS3, but I have a decent few. For this past Christmas, I was fortunate enough to receive Mario Kart Wii. It's pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie. 32 races (which I have now all unlocked), some old and some new. It's pretty cool to get to see the as Nintendo calls is "retro" races from N64 but use that nifty little wheel thing to drive. And there's lots more car choices.

Anywho, my mother is not really the best video game player. She tends to move her whole body or at least her hand instead of the the controller. I thought maybe she would be a little at Mario Kart Wii, because you get to move the whole remote, rather than just a joystick. Not true.

My mother always complained about the races, but the one of which she loathed the most was "Rainbow Road." (Pictured to the left) Fortunately, there is a new "Rainbow Road." (Pictured above) However, it is like, tons more difficult. And let me tell you, I'm not one to use the word "like." I unlocked the last eight races yesterday, and was overjoyed to find that Rainbow Road was included. I knew immediately from looking at the little preview that this was no piece of cake. So, naturally, to get a feel for the race, I decided to try a little time trials. Well, I fell off. About 100 times. So, I tried again. Slightly better, but no dice. Then I got my mother to race against me at it, and well, we both just did horribly. I just don't like 100 cc racing, and I've found that when playing in the Vs. mode, one can only choose 100 cc, there isn't any other option. I'm much more controlled at the 50 cc level!

Despite the difficulties of the new Rainbow Road course, I have been generally satisified with the new Mario Kart. The driving wheel is fun to drive with and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. I dislike the aforementionned 100 cc situation and the fact that each time you play against someone else, you play four races and then have that little interlude or I guess it's a trophy ceremony. What makes it worse is that if no one places in the top three, they put you outside of Mario's little village and literally tell you "better luck next time."

Wow, do I sound like a nerd today! Talking about video games in my blog! Well, I guess that makes me even more cool than I already was? But in all seriousness, the Wii has been a godsend since I broke my leg. I just sit around and play Mario Kart Wii and the other neat games I have acquired.

Well, on the Rainbow Road situation, I guess all I can say is "better luck next time." Haha.

04 January 2010

Humor Humor

I'm glad that some people still have a light side to life. I mean, today I was on Facebook, which isn't really surprising, because that's all I've been doing since the leg incident. But anyways, one of my friend's cousins had posted this link: http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1795960 on her facebook wall. It's a message line between some Hogwarts students about how they hate Harry, etc. It's stupid, but quite funny.

This got me to thinking about how important humor is in one's life. Laughing is a natural cure for depression, and so as I was laughing to almost the point of hysterics, I immediately felt better. My life's been good since I've graduated, but I just feel kind of blah because I can't go anywhere by myself and my friends are working/in school again, so I'm just stuck here. So, the laughter helped. YAY!

Anyways, I'm going to cut this short because my poppy should be home soon with dinner, and I think we're going to have fried chicken! Yum...

So I guess the moral here is that if you're having a bad day, just find something to laugh too. You'll feel ten times better!!!

01 January 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 is here!!! A new decade!!! Whoohoo!!!

2010 is looking up. The leg is fixed. And I should be cast-less by the end of February.

Goals* for the Year:

1) Fix the leg. For real this time...

2) Work on keeping in touch with my friends better, especially because I've graduated and most of them haven't yet!

3) Work on my relationship with my parents. Let's hope that they don't annoy me too much and the same on my side. I'm also going to try to remember to thank them for all they've done for me throughout my life, including the recent leg incidents.

4) I'm going to look into my spiritual life and make sure that my future choices are for the best.

5) I'm also going to work on my emotional side of life...this is something that is important and I need to remember that people do want to help me!

That's all I've got so far. I might add more later.

*Notice I said goals. I decided a long time ago that resolutions are silly, I never keep them. But goals are dynamic, not static. So I thought goals were a good idea.