20 January 2010

I should be a professional pianist...

My dad feels that by this point in my adventures at home, I should be a professional pianist.  And by adventures, of course, I mean boredom.  So, I took up his challenge and have begun playing some piano again.  I have this really great book of sheet music, it is for the Pride and Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightley, from I think 2005.

I already can play the first piece, which is entitled "Dawn."  I therefore have been practicing that one and have moved onto some other pieces.  My father, being the piano player that he is, told me yesterday that he wished that I perfected one piece at a time rather than half-playing multiple pieces.  This leaves me with more boredom.  Does he not get it that I'm bored?  BORED?  I guess not. 

So here's my plan of action:  I have decided that anytime that I'm playing that my father is home, I'll do just that, work on one piece that I am aiming to perfect.  However, he doesn't know what I do when he's gone!  So, whenever I play and he's NOT at home, I'm free to do what I please.  So maybe, just maybe, someday soon I'll surprise him and play everything beautifully.  Or at least I hope so.

I really wish that I had kept with piano lessons.  But no, I had to go off and try competitive dance.  Dance really took up a lot of my time, so it was one or the other.  Bah.  I hate making decisions.  But, I chose dance.  And don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I did, but piano is such a useful thing and it would have been better with my leg if I could play more music.  Secretly, I think that my dad wishes that my brother or I had kept with piano music more than we did.  Maybe he wanted to form a ragtime band or something. 

Anyways, I'm going to go find something to do.  Maybe it will be playing the piano...or maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. haha I can see your family as a little ragtime band. Fantastic.
