01 January 2010

Happy New Year!

2010 is here!!! A new decade!!! Whoohoo!!!

2010 is looking up. The leg is fixed. And I should be cast-less by the end of February.

Goals* for the Year:

1) Fix the leg. For real this time...

2) Work on keeping in touch with my friends better, especially because I've graduated and most of them haven't yet!

3) Work on my relationship with my parents. Let's hope that they don't annoy me too much and the same on my side. I'm also going to try to remember to thank them for all they've done for me throughout my life, including the recent leg incidents.

4) I'm going to look into my spiritual life and make sure that my future choices are for the best.

5) I'm also going to work on my emotional side of life...this is something that is important and I need to remember that people do want to help me!

That's all I've got so far. I might add more later.

*Notice I said goals. I decided a long time ago that resolutions are silly, I never keep them. But goals are dynamic, not static. So I thought goals were a good idea.

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