16 January 2010

Medical School Decision? Check.

Well, it's been decided.  I'm going to go to A.T. Still (aka KCOM)!  All the other STUPID schools rejected me.  But it's okay, because I really like KCOM and am pretty sure that I will fit in really well there.  My parents and a variety of family friends feel exactly the same.  I just really have come to respect and like osteopathic medicine, especially after my leg incident.

To sum it up, here's the things that I like about osteopathic medicine:

~DOs are extremely personable.  I'm a personable person.

~The DOs that I have encountered have been nothing but nice to me, and several have even offered for me to come up and shadow them.

~Osteopathic medicine looks at a person as a whole:  Mind, Body, Spirit.  In fact, during my freshman year at KCOM, I will be able to take a class about Spirituality in Medicine if I so choose.  This is important to me, because my spiritual life is very important to me. 

~Most osteopathic physicians are in primary care, which is what I want to do - pediatrics, which is considered a primary care field.

These are just a few of the things.  This website explains osteopathic medicine much more clearly.  Let me tell you, it's pretty sa-weet.  Just sayin.'

KCOM is going to be a great fit for me, I just know it.  I really think that I can do well anywhere that I go, but if I really like it, it will be even better, because I will WANT to learn.  Not that I don't want to learn, but it's better if you like it, isn't it?  And guess what...after four years, I'll still be a doctor.  Actually both an M.D. and a D.O.  Which is awesome. 

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