13 May 2010

I'm going to make it!

I have never once in my life worked out five days in one week.

This is, of course, discounting when I was a crazy dancer-type, but I'm talking about since I've become fat.

And I'm going to make it.

This whole getting up at the butt crack of dawn thing (5:10) kind of sucks.  But it is not killing me.  I mean I may be going to bed at 9:30, but who cares?  I've always been the old lady type anyway.

The eating fewer calories thing is going pretty well also.  I kind of bank up on the calories and then splurge a little bit.  I figure if I don't, I'll probably die.  Or crack.  Neither of which is a good thing. 

It's a good thing that I like vegetables.  They have negative calories or something.  

Well, celery does.

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