01 May 2010

It's May Day!!

It's officially May.  Which means that it's May Day.  I feel like I need to make some of those little colored baskets.  I made stuff like that when I was little with my mom and brother.  And I also made some for the last round of door decs my second year as an SA (or RA, as they are known everywhere else in the world).

I thought that as we were entering the fifth month of the year, I should put together a little "status update" of my life.  And not just the dinky one liners that are found on Twitter.

The first thing that jumps to mind is how I only have 12 weeks of work left.  I know that it seems like I could just put three months, but it is all of May and June but only the first three weeks of July.  I'm quitting on the 22nd so that I can start to move some of my stuff back up to the 'Ville and I can hit up an awesome wedding in Marceline.  Which I am super excited about.  I'm also ready to quit.  The job just isn't what it used to be so quitting is something I'm looking forward to.

As most of my friends are going to graduate soon, I am excited about getting to see everyone.  And I really missed my friends so I'm glad that they are coming home.

Finally, I'm continuing my preparations for Medical School.  I might but some Anatomy and Physiology flash cards so that I can learn some more of the human body.  It will also help me to pass time at work.  I know I'm a big dork, but it's whatever.  I LOVE the human body.

And at that, I'm signing off.  Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty excited for this wedding in Marceline as well...:)
