30 January 2010


So here we go, I've got another rant.  I'm starting back up at work Monday.  Or so I thought.  When I originally broke my leg, I spoke to my manager and she said it would be no problem, I could work as a dispatcher answering phones and talking to mean nurses and such.  

Then I had surgery number two and we decided to just wait until the next schedule, which starts Jan. 31 (tomorrow).  So I called up to get my schedule yesterday, because I knew it would be done by then.  And did she schedule me?  Yes.


Let's just say that this put me over the edge.  I've been kind of feeling-less over the past week or so, because even though I have gotten out a little bit here and there, I've really just been sitting at home.  And going stir crazy.  Getting cabin fever.  But, I was really looking forward to going back to work even for just two or three days a week, which is what we originally talked about.  But I guess now I'm just going to have to suffer a little more.

On the upside, I have a new book series that I've started reading.  My old roommate Whitney, got me started on this series.  The first book is called The Hunger Games.  It's pretty gruesome but still really, really good.  I definitely got sucked in and read it pretty much in one sitting.  And the main male character, Peeta Mellark, is now one of my literature boyfriends.  Just Saying.  And the second book is already out, so naturally I went to the St. Louis County Library to request the second book, which is entitled Catching Fire.  There were a ton of holds on it.  So, instead I went to Border's and bought it, and then I went home and ordered the first one online, so I can complete my collection.  At least now I have something to read tonight and tomorrow.  And the third book comes out in August, so I have something to look forward to!  As soon as I know where I'm living next year I'm going to pre-order the book; it's super cheap on Amazon right now.

Also, there's this coat that I've been wanting for almost a year now.  It started out at 80 dollars and now is 30.  And I'm getting it for my birthday!! Whoohoo!!!  So that's exciting.  I also think that I may be getting a new Wii game.  Which is also exciting because I'm going to be bored still.

Anyways, if I stop writing it's probably just because I've died of boredom.

1 comment:

  1. Three things:

    1) That coat there is super cute.
    2) I'm sorry that you are only scheduled to work for 2 days. That sucks.
    3) I heart Peeta Mellark.
