12 January 2010

Little Miss Perfect

K so I have a new obsession. But we'll get to that in a sec. Because today I decided to type a little log of what I've done today. Let me tell you - it's EXHILARATING. Not.

1. Woke up. Laid around.

2. Dad make Bacon. YUM.

3. Watched some TV. USA had Law & Order SVU 
on all day on Tuesdays.  EXCELLENT.
Also played some guitar.

4. While waiting for Dad to return, watched episode of Little Miss Perfect.* And washed bangs...much easier than washing all of my hair. Especially with the leg.

5. Dad and I ran errands. Here they are:
-Saneco Cleaners. For dad's shirts that mom now refuses to clean and iron.
-Burger King. Again YUM.
-Best Buy. Purchased Mario Party 8.**
-Credit Union
-Quiktrip for air for tires.***
-Dollar Store. Purchased some new oils for scent bug.

6. More television.

7. Steak n' Shake for dinner. I wanted Bandana's, but whatever.

8. TV. New episode of Secret Life proves that this show is going downhill.
New episode of Little Miss Perfect* proved to be very fun.

9. Found some new good videos on YouTube.

9. Here we are. New blog of TLight Stars is GREAT. WTG, Whitney.

So as one can see, my life has been pretty boring. My boss isn't going to give me any hours until the next schedule, which starts on February 1st. However, my friend Pat doesn't start until then either, and she promised to take me places. Mo also promised to visit me/take me to her apartment. This is pretty much everyday, minus the going places. I watch A LOT of TV and play piano quite a bit. My mother brought up my guitar music, so I do that too now, as well!!

*Little Miss Perfect is WETV's answer to Toddlers and Tiaras. I like it just as much, and today was the season premiere. It was good and one of the mother's was down to earth. I loved her and her little daughter, who did very well overall. I like to see the non-Stage Mother mothers in comparison to Stage Mothers. The other little girl wore a flipper for teeth - bad deal; it did not look good. P.S. This is my new obsession.
**Almost bought Super Mario Brothers Wii, because Best Buy had it in stock. Have yet to play Mario Party 8, but that's next on my agenda. Don't worry, I'll probably let everyone know how it goes. I did come up with my birthday list: Super Mario Brothers Wii, Wii Sports Resort and Glee Season One: The Road to Sectionals.
***The lady who was filling up her tires before us was great: Skinny Jeans, White Reeboks circa 1985 and a Platinum Blonde Mullet. Excellent.

New Videos:

Stupid Jackson Rathbone leaked out his Eclipse script. Tisk tisk.

My dad showed me this one. It's pretty great. Just saying.

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