05 January 2010

I will take you Rainbow Road...

So, a long long time ago my brother got an N64 for Christmas or his birthday or something. Anyways, that's when Nintendo sent cool games with the system...and well, Mario Kart N64
pretty much became my favorite video game. Well, except maybe that football one, but only when I actually beat my brother (my trick was just to pick whichever play I thought looked good and then press random buttons).

Well, I got a Wii for Christmas two Christmases ago (2008) and have slowly been building up a game regiment ever since. I seriously doubt that I will ever reach the number of games that my brother had for N64 or consequently PS3, but I have a decent few. For this past Christmas, I was fortunate enough to receive Mario Kart Wii. It's pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie. 32 races (which I have now all unlocked), some old and some new. It's pretty cool to get to see the as Nintendo calls is "retro" races from N64 but use that nifty little wheel thing to drive. And there's lots more car choices.

Anywho, my mother is not really the best video game player. She tends to move her whole body or at least her hand instead of the the controller. I thought maybe she would be a little at Mario Kart Wii, because you get to move the whole remote, rather than just a joystick. Not true.

My mother always complained about the races, but the one of which she loathed the most was "Rainbow Road." (Pictured to the left) Fortunately, there is a new "Rainbow Road." (Pictured above) However, it is like, tons more difficult. And let me tell you, I'm not one to use the word "like." I unlocked the last eight races yesterday, and was overjoyed to find that Rainbow Road was included. I knew immediately from looking at the little preview that this was no piece of cake. So, naturally, to get a feel for the race, I decided to try a little time trials. Well, I fell off. About 100 times. So, I tried again. Slightly better, but no dice. Then I got my mother to race against me at it, and well, we both just did horribly. I just don't like 100 cc racing, and I've found that when playing in the Vs. mode, one can only choose 100 cc, there isn't any other option. I'm much more controlled at the 50 cc level!

Despite the difficulties of the new Rainbow Road course, I have been generally satisified with the new Mario Kart. The driving wheel is fun to drive with and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. I dislike the aforementionned 100 cc situation and the fact that each time you play against someone else, you play four races and then have that little interlude or I guess it's a trophy ceremony. What makes it worse is that if no one places in the top three, they put you outside of Mario's little village and literally tell you "better luck next time."

Wow, do I sound like a nerd today! Talking about video games in my blog! Well, I guess that makes me even more cool than I already was? But in all seriousness, the Wii has been a godsend since I broke my leg. I just sit around and play Mario Kart Wii and the other neat games I have acquired.

Well, on the Rainbow Road situation, I guess all I can say is "better luck next time." Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Um remember how I suck at Mario Kart??


    And I really like how your font colors are rainbow. Even in the right order.
