09 March 2010

Plantar Fascitis...

So, there's this foot problem known as Plantar Fasciitis.  It's painful.  Or so they say.

The Plantar Fascia is a big thick tissue that is on the bottom of the foot, from the heel bone to the toe bones.  It's pretty much important for everything from walking to pointing one's foot. 

Well, it's one thing that I have to stretch out, because my foots like "Woah.  It's been 12 and a half weeks since you've walked on me.  What're you thinking?  I was getting comfortable not doing anything."

And by getting comfortable, it basically means that it's non-existant.  Which is not a good thing whatsover.

Well, sometimes problems arise when one walks after three months of not walking.  For instance, my gastrocnemius (calf) is uber-atrophied.  As is pretty much everything else - even my thigh has lost quite a bit of tone.  My Plantar Fascia, needless to say, has been making my walking painful.  At first I thought it was just from the heel hitting the ground, then I realized that it was when I lifted the foot off the ground, that's where the pain was.  This really depressed me, because I was getting all excited about walking, and it was holding me back.  Upon consulting with my father, we determined that the problem may be mild Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis is simply an inflammation of the Plantar Fascia, which in consequence causes problems in walking.  AKA it's painful. 

And I hate to sound so whiney.  But it just stinks. 

On the upside there are lots of exercises to do to help stretch out the Plantar Fascia.  So I get to do fun things like extra stretches for my foot and calf.  My particular favorite is that I get to play with my toes.  I.e. I get to manually bend and point my toes.  It's fun.  Really.  I feel like a little kid.

So, slowly but surely I'm getting better.  Which is a good thing.  I leg pressed  35 pounds today with my right leg.  Which isn't much, considering I used to leg press a lot more.  But still, it's something.  And I also got to start walking around today without my crutches.  Whoohoo!!!

K.  I'm going to sign off.  And tomorrow I'm going to try and not whine.  We'll see.

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