23 March 2010

Spring has Sprung!

There are lots of things in life that make me happy.  Today, for some reason or another, I am very happy.  And thankful that I am happy.  So here are the things that I'm thankful for today (and happy about!)

1.  My window is once again open.  It's really Spring now!!  Yay!! I've blogged about this before.  But when the sun is shining and it's above 60 degrees, how can one not be happy about life?

2.  My pins are out.  This means that I get to start wearing TWO shoes soon.  And as we all know, I really like shoes.  It also means that I get to start being more normal again.  For instance, I get to stand in the shower in about two weeks.  I miss that.  I also will get to start driving in about two weeks.  Not that I minded not driving, but I feel like it's a freedom that I have been missing.

3.  I recieved an encouraging text from a friend.  It was just a little note, but it made me feel special.  And it made me smile, which just increases one's happiness.

4.  I'm listening to Children of Eden right now.  This is one of my favorite shows.  Not only is it by Stephen Schwartz, but it's happy and upbeat and I know all the words.  This means that I get to sing along.  

5.  Um, I bought new shoes today.  I haven't bought a new pair of shoes since like November.  That's a long hiatus for me.  Not even kidding.  They're very cute flats.  And they're white, so I'm going to wear them for Easter.  Now, I normally would wear heels for Easter, but seeing as how I haven't worn a shoe on my right foot for a long time and I can't stretch my foot very much right not, I think that flats are a good idea.  I also bought a new purse, but that's not uncommon.  

6.  I think I'm going to go and take a nap.  With the cool breeze coming in my room and a blanket, it's the perfect sleeping combination.  I'm thankful that I can afford to take naps.  Just saying.

So I guess I'm just a happy person right now.  So thanks to everyone and everything for helping me be happy!!

Oh and here's my new purse.  It's really cute!!

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