04 March 2010

Walk Like an Egyptian...

Well maybe not quite, because I only have one arm avaliable.  

But guess what?  I HAVE ONE ARM AVALIABLE.

Which means that I'm down to one crutch.  And this is sweet action.

Here's how it went down:  
I called Dr. Fissel's office on Tuesday because my physical therapist and I were worried that I might trip over my cam boot walker, so I needed to get fitted with a new one.  I spoke with his Medical Assistant and she said to just come on in on Wednesday and we'll see if a new fitting was necessary.  
It was.
So then she went to get me a medium, rather than a large, and now I have a boot that actually fits.  Which is pretty awesome.  It's only the "top of a thumb" longer than my toes, rather than four inches.  It's pictured to the right.
Well I wasn't supposed to see Dr. Fissel, because it was just a re-fitting, but right as Cheryl (the Medical Assistant) was saying take a few steps, Dr. Fissel came in because his next appointment was going to be late.  So, we asked him if I could walk.  
After going over the schedule of when I was supposed to walk again, Dr. Fissel gave me the go ahead to walk, since it was only a day and a half before I was scheduled to walk.  
Well, walking hurts.  Which I assumed it would.  But then today I went to physical therapy and my therapist was all excited and she helped me practice walking on flat surfaces and up and down steps.  We also did an obstacle course of sorts and worked on the leg press.  I'd say it was successful.  

And now I can walk.  And I'm going to only have one crutch at work tomorrow.  We'll see how that goes.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you can walk. And I want to borrow your boot. Maybe I should get a legit blue dress this time..

  2. OH! And you should be Jane. Cause she is a B-A.

  3. I was definitely thinking about being Jane. She's my favorite.
