14 December 2009

Broken Legs are Obviously a Good Way to End College

Well, this stinks. Here's my lovely little story that ends up with me breaking my leg. In two places.

Friday was a pretty packed day...last day of college classes ever, my friend Jessica's play, Franklin Street Concert and Truemen concert. Friday night was also the Biology Bar Crawl. Yes, it is just as nerdy as it sounds, a bunch of science majors going to drink together. Let's just say that we talked about really cool stuff. So the last place we went was this bar Wrongdaddy's. It's a pretty cool place that has a dance floor/stage and lots of space for socializing. So Friday night was "Ladies Night," which meant one dollar well drinks, well not with a lot of alcohol, but still. So I had three, the last being around 11:45 (which was last call). Then I didn't feel like spending any more monies, so I closed my tab.

Around 1:15, I was ready to go home. My roommates had offered to pick me up, but Wrongdaddy's is only like four blocks from my apartment, so I called them and told them my friend Ali was going to walk me home. Ali is a pretty cool guy, he is in Alpha Phi Omega with me. As a side note, by this point, I was basically sober. Anyways we left and started walking. We were almost to my apartment, literally at the other end of the parking lot. There's some grassy patches that surround two sides of the parking lot, and from the angle we were walking at, the quickest way to get to my building is to walk across the grass. Well, we cut across the grass and just as I stepped onto the parking lot, I slipped on black ice. And my foot went in-out but my leg went out-in. Oops. That's not supposed to happen. So Ali helped me off of the ground, and I was, at this point, 95% sure I broke my leg. Ali wasn't convinced and he hopefully said maybe I just strained it and the cracking sound was the ice...I said otherwise, I knew that cracking sound came from my body. So I called Kaitlin, and her and Whitney came to get me. By the time they got to where I was in the parking lot (with Kaitlin's car), I had passed out - and scared poor Whitney! Sorry, Harmony!

So then they got my into Kaitlin's front seat and took me to the Emergency Room at Northwest Regional Medical Center. Some nice security gaurd, a nurse and a receptionist came out and stabilized my foot (which was at this time two times bigger than it should've been) and got me into a wheelchair. After what seemed like forever, I went into to Triage room, Ali came with - he was really calm, it was good for me - and they asked me lots of questions, one of which was "Do you think you need some pain medicine?" That had an obvious answer. So they took me into a room and then Radiology came down and took some X-rays of my leg/foot. Dr. Webb, the nice ER doctor then came in and told me that I broke my fibula and tore off some ligaments and bone from my medial malleolus (bottom of the tibia). Also, my fibula and tibia were about a 1/2 inch apart, when they are supposed to be touching each other. Dr. Webb said he needed to talk to an orthopedic surgeon, and then they decided that I needed surgery. So they gave me some fluids and morphine and took me upstairs.

I called my parents and my momma left Saturday morning around 6:30. Meanwhile, I was in a lot of pain still, though the morphine was helping some. However, I all of a sudden got really nauseous, and so they tried some zoflon? to anti-react to the nausea. It didn't help. Well I then remembered how my momma gets sick from morphine, so they changed my pain meds to demerol. Much better. Anyways by this time it was about 8:30 and Dr. Bailey, the orthopedic surgeon and Dr. Schrent, the anesthesiologist, came to see me. Funny enough, Dr. Shrent gave me the option of having a spinal block instead of going all the way under...haha funny, but no thanks. They took me into surgery about 9:30, and apparently I was only under the knife for about 45 minutes. I got 6 screws and a rod and a plate or something. Basically there's a lot of metal in my ankle and leg now. I came to about 11:15 and so they took me upstairs and then found my momma and she came in. I was a lot woozy for pretty much the rest of the day.

My friends came to visit me though! My APO friends and my roommates (both past and present) and a few other people and I got some flowers and balloons! Yay! And they were pink; my friends know me too well. Anyways I'm sure I was really funny because of the anesthesia and the drugs. Dr. Webb had told me I may go home on Saturday, but here I am Monday morning still in the hospital. And my leg is fixed, but still hurts a lot. Oh well, I have some vicoden or something to talk, I'm sure.

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