15 December 2009

Itchy Legs are Annoying!

Ahh!! So I know this cast can't come off or anything, but my leg is so itchy!! I just want to scratch it! Unfortunately, it won't come off for six weeks. No weightbearing, itching, showering or anything. I'm heading over to Dr. Bailey's office on Thursday, and he's going to redress my wound and retighten my cast. Hopefully, when he redresses my wound, he'll let me scratch my leg for a few seconds. That's all I ask.

In other things, I'm doing pretty good, I guess. I've been taking my Vicodin about every five and a half hours and it's helping quite a bit. I'm sure that on Thursday, when I get adjustments and stuff, I'll need a little more. I'll have to take some extra before I go.

I would like to mention how I've have been blessed with my friends. Ali was there when I fell and he pretty much kept me calm and did everything such as stabalizing my leg and staying with me in the hospital. Kaitlin and Whitney have been great here in the apartment, making sure I've got everything that I need and ensuring that I'm comfortable and such. It was really cute, last night they "tucked" me into bed. Haha. I kind of feel pathetic, but I don't know what else to do!

I spoke with my dad today and let me tell you, he is just super funny talking about how I've gotta help him get the lights down after Christmas and stuff. I'm sure that will definitely not be happening, seeing as how I have this Cam boot and crutches. He also said that everyone down at his clinic wants to see my before and after X-rays to see if my surgeon was as good as they are (my dad's a veterinarian). Also, he was asking me about my doctors and whether or not they are DOs or MDs. I told him that NRMC is mainly a DO hospital, so all three doctors I saw (ER, Surgeon and Anasthesiologist) were DOs. I also told him that they had gone to KCOM and how they told me to look them up if I end up at KCOM next year. My FATHER mentioned how personable they sounded and that they seemed a lot more approachable than MDs or even his vet school teachers. So maybe, just maybe, he's coming around to this idea. We'll see if I actually end up at KCOM, but I think that I'll be very happy if I do.

Also, I got flowers in the mail today! It was quite funny. The fedex man knocked on the door and then left, so I hobbled over and answered and then dragged the box over to my couch, which is where I've been living for the past 2 days. The flowers were from one of my old teachers/good friend and her mom. It was really cute, they didn't have to do that. But anyways, I opened the box, but then I couldn't get over to get water in the vase or anything, so I called around until I found my friend Laura, and she came over and cut the end of the flowers and filled it with water, etc. See how blessed I am? It's pretty wonderful.

Finally, I have one more final. I really need to get working on this study guide, so I'll probably have to sign off here soon, but I'm just not in the mood. Something about breaking a leg, staying in the hospital two and a half days and having to hobble around on pain meds makes one unmotivated to do work. But, alas, I have to pass this class. To graduate. Where I'll be hobbling up and down the graduating stage. It'll be great fun. Heehee...

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