28 December 2009

I must not tell lies.

Well, well I have two things of interest today.

The first just happens to do with Harry Potter (as most of my days/posts seem to)!! So I received Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for Christmas. Having an inkling that I was getting it at Christmas, I decided to watch the other movies and currently am finishing up the Order of the Phoenix. However, after watching Prisoner of Azkaban, I decided to re-read the book, because I couldn't remember some of the specifics from the book, and that's very very annoying to me. So today at work, I was reading the book between phone calls from nurses and complaints from workers - talk about ridiculous - and I came to a realization that I had a long time ago and forgot about: the books are TEN times better than the movies. Just sayin.' And I'm not one of those people that hates the movies, I enjoy to see the visualizations that the directors/producers/J.K. come up with. Anyway, the books are great and are the real reason that I love this series of books. And it's not a "saga," like Twilight, it's a real series. So much more legit.

So there's the first order of business. The second order of business happens to deal with my ongoing injury.

I met with my new Orthopedic Surgeon today, Dr. Sigmund. The first thing that they did was take out my staples, which fortunately did not hurt as much as I thought it would, it was just like a little pinch or something. Then they took me to take X-rays, and Dr. Sigmund looked at them and then I received some bad news. I have to have surgery again. Blech. This has nothing to do with bad work from my first orthopedist, Dr. Bailey. He did everything correct, just my Tibia is not setting correctly, as the doctors would have hoped for and assumed. As Dr. Sigmund put it, I just had "bad luck." Pretty bad luck considering that I'm having surgery again and probably on Thursday. I was thus put on a no work order and am waiting for a call from the doctor's office tomorrow about when the surgery will be. On the upside, it will just be a little outpatient procedure and I may get a cast...probably not so I'm not trying to get my hopes up. But I'm sure that whatever happens it'll be for the best.

Gosh, I've been rambling on about my problems. I'm just so lucky to have the family that I do. My parents do not have to drive me around; they could just make me sit at home and do nothing all day long, but they help me as much as possible. So, here's to them...my mom and dad, for doing all that they can to help me!!

I'm just hoping for a successful surgery now!!!

On a side note - my new Scentbug works really well and smells quite good. That's all!

26 December 2009

Joyful Times

Christmas was pretty good this year. I am so lucky to have the family that I have, and I really was glad to get my gifts. I've decided to write some of them down here so that I can remember everything and look back if needed.

From Santa: Mario Kart Wii!!!

From Mom and Dad: Hot Rollers! And they're pink!
Some nice clothes!
Pink SPARKLY Converse!

From Benellen: Guitar Strap/Picks/Tuner!

Yay!! I'm so grateful for these things that I got. This Scentbug thing is an airfreshner, and I am excited to see how it works/try it out. I'm sure that it'll make me a super duper cool person.

And then, after opening presents and a delicious breakfast of waffles and bacon, we go to the movies. My mother, Ellen and I went to see It's Complicated. It was really cute. And then we go to TGIFriday's for some yummy dinner and it was lots of fun. Of course, we also spent lots of time playing Mario Kart Wii and other Wii games and with our new "toys."

I hope that everyone had a truly joyful Christmas spent with family and friends. Here's to a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

23 December 2009

Only like ten years of my life...

I just wanted to take a few moments to explain my excitement about the newest Harry Potter movies. This stems from my watching the 1st movie currently (I am right now at halloween - silly trolls).

I know that a lot of people are pissed and all about the length between part A and part B, but I guess I don't care; I'm glad that they are going to include the whole book, even with the missing parts from six and all (they did a nice job, but they left out how/why Dumbledore had a hunch about what the horcruxes were - and we all know how Dumbledore's hunches are normally correct.)

But so I got to the part of the movie where Oliver Wood is showing Harry the different Quidditch balls, and I got really happy thinking about how in the seventh book all the old people sneak in through the matching paintings of Ariana and I have decided that I am really looking forward as to how many people show up. I really hope that they keep to what they've been saying all along about how the seventh movie is going to be true to the book. And I really mean this and try to believe it. Even if they don't get everything correct, I think that I will still be happy. Lots of people seem to get mad about how the movies don't match up exactly to the books, but I just enjoy seeing the magic and what they do put up in the movies. I'm a visual learner, so seeing all the magic is well, magical.

So, I guess I'm just nervously going to wait for 11/19/10 (and hope that they do not change the date)! Anyways, Harry's first Quidditch match is about to finish (Go, go, Gryffindor!) so, in the words of Brad Neely here's to you, Harry: "I am a beautiful animal, I am a destroyer of worlds, I am Harry f***ing Potter!!!"

15 December 2009

Itchy Legs are Annoying!

Ahh!! So I know this cast can't come off or anything, but my leg is so itchy!! I just want to scratch it! Unfortunately, it won't come off for six weeks. No weightbearing, itching, showering or anything. I'm heading over to Dr. Bailey's office on Thursday, and he's going to redress my wound and retighten my cast. Hopefully, when he redresses my wound, he'll let me scratch my leg for a few seconds. That's all I ask.

In other things, I'm doing pretty good, I guess. I've been taking my Vicodin about every five and a half hours and it's helping quite a bit. I'm sure that on Thursday, when I get adjustments and stuff, I'll need a little more. I'll have to take some extra before I go.

I would like to mention how I've have been blessed with my friends. Ali was there when I fell and he pretty much kept me calm and did everything such as stabalizing my leg and staying with me in the hospital. Kaitlin and Whitney have been great here in the apartment, making sure I've got everything that I need and ensuring that I'm comfortable and such. It was really cute, last night they "tucked" me into bed. Haha. I kind of feel pathetic, but I don't know what else to do!

I spoke with my dad today and let me tell you, he is just super funny talking about how I've gotta help him get the lights down after Christmas and stuff. I'm sure that will definitely not be happening, seeing as how I have this Cam boot and crutches. He also said that everyone down at his clinic wants to see my before and after X-rays to see if my surgeon was as good as they are (my dad's a veterinarian). Also, he was asking me about my doctors and whether or not they are DOs or MDs. I told him that NRMC is mainly a DO hospital, so all three doctors I saw (ER, Surgeon and Anasthesiologist) were DOs. I also told him that they had gone to KCOM and how they told me to look them up if I end up at KCOM next year. My FATHER mentioned how personable they sounded and that they seemed a lot more approachable than MDs or even his vet school teachers. So maybe, just maybe, he's coming around to this idea. We'll see if I actually end up at KCOM, but I think that I'll be very happy if I do.

Also, I got flowers in the mail today! It was quite funny. The fedex man knocked on the door and then left, so I hobbled over and answered and then dragged the box over to my couch, which is where I've been living for the past 2 days. The flowers were from one of my old teachers/good friend and her mom. It was really cute, they didn't have to do that. But anyways, I opened the box, but then I couldn't get over to get water in the vase or anything, so I called around until I found my friend Laura, and she came over and cut the end of the flowers and filled it with water, etc. See how blessed I am? It's pretty wonderful.

Finally, I have one more final. I really need to get working on this study guide, so I'll probably have to sign off here soon, but I'm just not in the mood. Something about breaking a leg, staying in the hospital two and a half days and having to hobble around on pain meds makes one unmotivated to do work. But, alas, I have to pass this class. To graduate. Where I'll be hobbling up and down the graduating stage. It'll be great fun. Heehee...

14 December 2009

Broken Legs are Obviously a Good Way to End College

Well, this stinks. Here's my lovely little story that ends up with me breaking my leg. In two places.

Friday was a pretty packed day...last day of college classes ever, my friend Jessica's play, Franklin Street Concert and Truemen concert. Friday night was also the Biology Bar Crawl. Yes, it is just as nerdy as it sounds, a bunch of science majors going to drink together. Let's just say that we talked about really cool stuff. So the last place we went was this bar Wrongdaddy's. It's a pretty cool place that has a dance floor/stage and lots of space for socializing. So Friday night was "Ladies Night," which meant one dollar well drinks, well not with a lot of alcohol, but still. So I had three, the last being around 11:45 (which was last call). Then I didn't feel like spending any more monies, so I closed my tab.

Around 1:15, I was ready to go home. My roommates had offered to pick me up, but Wrongdaddy's is only like four blocks from my apartment, so I called them and told them my friend Ali was going to walk me home. Ali is a pretty cool guy, he is in Alpha Phi Omega with me. As a side note, by this point, I was basically sober. Anyways we left and started walking. We were almost to my apartment, literally at the other end of the parking lot. There's some grassy patches that surround two sides of the parking lot, and from the angle we were walking at, the quickest way to get to my building is to walk across the grass. Well, we cut across the grass and just as I stepped onto the parking lot, I slipped on black ice. And my foot went in-out but my leg went out-in. Oops. That's not supposed to happen. So Ali helped me off of the ground, and I was, at this point, 95% sure I broke my leg. Ali wasn't convinced and he hopefully said maybe I just strained it and the cracking sound was the ice...I said otherwise, I knew that cracking sound came from my body. So I called Kaitlin, and her and Whitney came to get me. By the time they got to where I was in the parking lot (with Kaitlin's car), I had passed out - and scared poor Whitney! Sorry, Harmony!

So then they got my into Kaitlin's front seat and took me to the Emergency Room at Northwest Regional Medical Center. Some nice security gaurd, a nurse and a receptionist came out and stabilized my foot (which was at this time two times bigger than it should've been) and got me into a wheelchair. After what seemed like forever, I went into to Triage room, Ali came with - he was really calm, it was good for me - and they asked me lots of questions, one of which was "Do you think you need some pain medicine?" That had an obvious answer. So they took me into a room and then Radiology came down and took some X-rays of my leg/foot. Dr. Webb, the nice ER doctor then came in and told me that I broke my fibula and tore off some ligaments and bone from my medial malleolus (bottom of the tibia). Also, my fibula and tibia were about a 1/2 inch apart, when they are supposed to be touching each other. Dr. Webb said he needed to talk to an orthopedic surgeon, and then they decided that I needed surgery. So they gave me some fluids and morphine and took me upstairs.

I called my parents and my momma left Saturday morning around 6:30. Meanwhile, I was in a lot of pain still, though the morphine was helping some. However, I all of a sudden got really nauseous, and so they tried some zoflon? to anti-react to the nausea. It didn't help. Well I then remembered how my momma gets sick from morphine, so they changed my pain meds to demerol. Much better. Anyways by this time it was about 8:30 and Dr. Bailey, the orthopedic surgeon and Dr. Schrent, the anesthesiologist, came to see me. Funny enough, Dr. Shrent gave me the option of having a spinal block instead of going all the way under...haha funny, but no thanks. They took me into surgery about 9:30, and apparently I was only under the knife for about 45 minutes. I got 6 screws and a rod and a plate or something. Basically there's a lot of metal in my ankle and leg now. I came to about 11:15 and so they took me upstairs and then found my momma and she came in. I was a lot woozy for pretty much the rest of the day.

My friends came to visit me though! My APO friends and my roommates (both past and present) and a few other people and I got some flowers and balloons! Yay! And they were pink; my friends know me too well. Anyways I'm sure I was really funny because of the anesthesia and the drugs. Dr. Webb had told me I may go home on Saturday, but here I am Monday morning still in the hospital. And my leg is fixed, but still hurts a lot. Oh well, I have some vicoden or something to talk, I'm sure.

07 December 2009


Well, I'm finished with work until finals. So I'm thinking about sitting around and drinking all week. But then I thought about how much that would cost me, so I decided against. Instead, I'm going to do nothing, which I think is wonderful. I mean listen to this: I got all my homeworks done and just took a test. That's it until finals. I'm stoked.

However, I'm also a little bit scared. I'm almost a real adult. Well real-ish. Six months of no classes or tests or anything. And then Med School, which I'm sure will be hell. But I'm ready. To get ready, I'm going to relax it up all semester. I'm going to do things that I haven't done in a long time. I'm going to go to the library and READ books and check out movies and actually WATCH them.

And the other thing that I'm going to do is sleep!! Whoohoo!!!

On a side note, we're watching Oprah right now, and it is about a seven year old schizophrenic. Her parents are living in two different apartments in order to keep their baby son safe. This is dedication. They definitely deserve an award.

04 December 2009


Ahh. I hate the Flu. Just when I thought I was healthy no. It comes back.

And I had a really super duper cute dress on for Alpha Phi Omega activation tonight.

Someday, when I'm a doctor, my goal is going to be to cure the flu. All Flus. That stupid H1N1 included. And Spanish Influenza. And while I'm going at it Bubonic Plague and Polio too.

So there.

I'm exausted and probably going to bed soon. Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving.

02 December 2009

The Wind

I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul
Where I end up well I think, only God really knows
I sailed upon the setting sun
And never, never, never, never
I never wanted water once
No never, never, never

I listen to my words, but the fall far below
I'll let my music take me where my heart wants to go
I swam upon the Devil's lake
But never, never, never, never
I'll never make the same mistake
No never, never, never
~Cat Stevens

He's just great. And I like his words.

01 December 2009

25 Days of Christmas...

ABCFamily's 25 days of Christmas is indeed here. And I'm listening to StlChristmas music. Which, I'll have to admit is pretty awesome. I really enjoy Christmas music. And movies, etc.
What I don't enjoy so much is how I remember feeling on Christmas last year. I mean, it's silly of me to dislike Christmas I guess, but it's really not a great time of the year for me. I enjoy getting/more giving gifts and all, but the joy is hard for me to find. I was struggling with this earlier today, and while I'm excited right now, this morning I wanted nothing to do with it. I was quite cranky last year around Christmas, and I hope that isn't the case this year.

It seems that I struggle a lot with the holidays. I've been trying to take steps (i.e. talking to people, etc.) but I'm just not good at sharing my feelings. This blog has given me an odd feeling to like put things out there. I really have been blessed this year with everything, and I'm uber thankful and all, but it's just hard for me to pull out that spirit every now and then. Is this such a bad thing? Christmas can't be everyone's favorite holiday.

And then there's the whole issue of the materialism of Christmas. The joyfulness that surrounds Christmas seems to disappear when placed next to huge blow-up Santa's and everyone trying to have bettter lights than their neighbors. Maybe that's what upsets me, the fact that people forget the real meaning (God, this sounds cliche!).

Maybe it's that I know that out in the world there are people who are missing others at Christmas time whether it's just from distance or for other reasons. I wish I could still celebrate with my best friend and Grandma. This sounds ultra selfish, but I really don't mean to come off that way. I miss them a lot, and I know that out there gobs of more [deserving] people are missing thier loved ones. I don't know...I feel like I'm raving here, but I don't know how else to say this stuffs. I feel like I should add Bah-Humbug here? (j/k)

Anyways...my goal for this week is to try and focus on the preparedness of Advent. I am supposed to be anxiously waiting for Christmas...I think focusing on this will be good for me.

30 November 2009

The future is too near

Today I was thinking about my future and how I have to be a grown up in a few weeks time. I mean I think it is good that I am graduating now, because I get to be a lazy person over the next months before medical school starts. As of right now, I'll be attending A.T. Still University, but I'm also hoping to hear from some other schools as well. Everyone is just taking so long. I'd rather know that I was rejected then sitting around and waiting!

Anyways Whitney and I had way too much fun with our T-light blog last night, and I'm looking forward to doing some more of that in the future. Especially because then I will be able to not do homework or think about my growing up.

I think I'm going to be sad when I leave my roommates next semester. First off, Whitney and Kaitlin are pretty much the coolest ladies I know. Second off, I'm going to be working and will come home to my parents (not that it's a bad thing) rather than my roommates. We always are doing crazy things like fort building and talking about how much cooler Harry Potter is than Twilight. Because who really wouldn't want a magic wand and have the option of disapparating. And quidditch sounds pretty cool too. I mean these are the things we talk about, how can you deny that I won't miss those cool discussions?
We're pretty much the coolest roommates that I know.

29 November 2009

Well Well

It seems as if I'll be blogging now. This is all Whitney's fault. She got me hooked on Twilight because she forced me into reading New Moon before I saw the movie. And then I got hooked to this Twilight stuffs...and read the other two books in two more consecutive days. I did what I vowed never to do. But anyways now I'm more fascinated with the whole twilight thing (although Harry Potter will still and always be first in my heart) and we've been bored at school so here I am. I've started a blog. I'm sure I'll get addicted....for a few days at least, just like I did with twitter. ha.

We also created this super duper cool blog about what we think stars really do in their lifes. Namely the twilight cast. Check it out.